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单词 死灰复燃

死灰复燃sǐ huī fù rán

dying embers glowing again—resurgence; a stirring among the dry bones;defeated insurgents staging a comeback; revival
❍ 这些家伙现在装老实,一旦风啸潮起,他们不就又~吗?(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》199) He was acting meek and mild but that did not mean he was not waiting for a chance to rise up and be his natural self again.
❍ 若是天道好还,死灰有复燃之日。(孔尚任《桃花扇·侦戏》) But if Heaven allowed dead ashes to flare up again. …/也许,那就是未能剪草除根,而又~了……(梁斌《红旗谱》64) That may be the root I neglected to pull up,the cinder which is burning again.
❍ 安国曰: “死灰独不复然乎?” 田甲曰: “然即溺之。” (司马迁《史记·韩儒列传》)2859)“Do you think,”said Han Anguo,referring to his present state of disgrace,“that because the fire has for the moment died out in these ashes it will never come to life again?”“If it does,” replied Tian,“I will piss on it!”


dying embers flaring up again;resurgence or revival of sth dead or dying

死灰复燃sǐ huī fù rán

烧余的灰烬又燃烧起来。比喻失势者重新得势,也比喻明令停止的事物又活动起来。revival, come back to life, come to life again





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