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单词 死亡

死亡sǐ wánɡDeath

安乐死 [ān lè sǐ] euthanasia; mercy-killing
绑着绳子跳舞 [bǎnɡ zhe shénɡ zi tiào wǔ] (inf.) dance upon nothing; dance on a rope
暴毙 [bào bì] sudden death
暴死 [pù sǐ] (inf.) drop dead
被吊死 [bèi diào sǐ] be hanged
被活埋 [bèi huó mái] be buried alive
被绞死 [bèi jiǎo sǐ] be hanged
被埋葬 [bèi mái zànɡ] (inf.) push up the daisies
被淹死 [bèi yān sǐ] be drowned
残骸 [cán hái] dismembered corpse
残毁尸体 [cán huǐ shī tǐ] maimed body
惨死 [cǎn sǐ] die a violent death
长眠 [chánɡ mián] sleep one’s last sleep
长逝 [chánɡ shì] repose; eternal rest
沉没 [chén mò] (inf.) go under for the third time
成仁 [chénɡ rén] die a hero’s death
臭尸 [chòu shī] carrion
除掉某人 [chú diào mǒu rén] put (one) out of the way
促其快死 [cù qí kuài sǐ] put one away; have one put away; put one out of one’s misery
打死 [dǎ sǐ] beat to death
大屠杀 [dà tú shā] massacre; massacre
当场毙命 [dānɡ chǎnɡ bì mìnɡ] die instantaneously
倒毙 [dǎo bì] [colloq] drop dead
凋落 [diāo luò] wither/fade away
钉在十字架上 [dìnɡ zài shí zì jià shànɡ] crucify
冻死 [dònɡ sǐ] be frozen to death
断气 [duàn qì] expiration
饿死 [è sǐ] die of hunger/starvation
放弃灵魂 [fànɡ qì línɡ hún] (inf.) give up the ghost
服毒而死 [fú dú ér sǐ] die by taking poison
浮尸 [fú shī] floating corpse
干掉 [ɡàn diào] do away with; (ifn.) do in; finish off
割腕 [ɡē wàn] slit one’s wrists
关进监牢 [ɡuān jìn jiān láo] put (one) out of the way
归土 [ɡuī tǔ] return to dust
归西 [ɡuī xī] go west
过鬼门关 [ɡuò ɡuǐ mén ɡuān] pass through the ghost’s door
横死 [hénɡ sǐ] [colloq] die in one’s shoes/boots
活活烧死 [huó huó shāo sǐ] be burned to death
活埋 [huó mái] bury alive
积劳而死 [jī láo ér sǐ] (inf.) die in the harness/saddle
假死 [jiǎ sǐ] temporal death
驾崩 [jià bēnɡ] demise
决定杀死 [jué dìnɡ shā sǐ] decide to kill (someone)
枯死 [kū sǐ] wither/fade away
老死 [lǎo sǐ] die of old age; die a natural death
勒毙 [lēi bì] be strangled to death
临鬼门关 [lín ɡuǐ mén ɡuān] (inf.) be at death’s door
流血而死 [liú xuè ér sǐ] bleed to death
闷死 [mēn sǐ] suffocate/choke to death
谋杀 [móu shā] [USA] (inf.) bump (off)
木乃伊 [mù nǎi yī] mummy
宁愿死去 [nìnɡ yuàn sǐ qù] welcome death
弄死 [nònɡ sǐ] cut off the breath
抛弃俗扰 [pāo qì sú rǎo] [literary] shuffle off this mortal coil
剖腹自尽 [pōu fù zì jìn] [Japan] hara-kiri; seppuku
弃我们而去 [qì wǒ men ér qù] pass from among us
翘辫子 [qiào biàn zi] [slang] bite the dust; kick the bucket
翘腿 [qiào tuǐ] turn up one’s queue/toes
切喉管 [qiē hóu ɡuǎn] have one’s throat cut/slit
情死 [qínɡ sǐ] double suicide
穷困而死 [qiónɡ kùn ér sǐ] die a beggar
取人性命 [qǔ rén xìnɡ mìnɡ] take a life
去世 [qù shì] end one’s days; pass on/away
去逝 [qù shì] [euphemism] depart
全尸 [quán shī] intact remains
全无气息的 [quán wú qì xī de] (inf.) be stone dead
杀身成仁 [shā shēn chénɡ rén] die a martyr
杀死 [shā sǐ] kill; slay
杀死某人 [shā sǐ mǒu rén] put (one) out of the way
善终 [shàn zhōnɡ] peaceful death
伤亡者 [shānɡ wánɡ zhě] casualty
上西天 [shànɡ xī tiān] go west
烧死 [shāo sǐ] perish in flames
盛年夭折 [shènɡ nián yāo zhé] be cut off in one’s prime
尸首 [shī shǒu] corpse; cadaver
尸首腐烂 [shī shǒu fǔ làn] decompose; decay
逝世 [shì shì] demise
寿尽 [shòu jìn] meet one’s end
寿终 [shòu zhōnɡ] [colloq] die at a ripe old age
寿终正寝 [shòu zhōnɡ zhènɡ qǐn] die a natural death; die in one’s sleep
双脚蹬空 [shuānɡ jiǎo dènɡ kōnɡ] (inf.) kick the wind/clouds
死得可鄙 [sǐ dé kě bǐ] (inf.) die a dog’s death
死得可怜 [sǐ dé kě lián] (inf.) die a dog’s death
死得壮烈 [sǐ dé zhuànɡ liè] die a glorious death
死掉 [sǐ diào] [euphemism] depart from life
死定的 [sǐ dìnɡ de] (inf.) be stone dead
死绝 [sǐ jué] die out
死去 [sǐ qù] passing
死去的 [sǐ qù de] (inf.) be dead and gone
死尸 [sǐ shī] corpse; cadaver
死亡 [sǐ wánɡ] death; cease to exist; die; expire; perish; decease
死亡率 [sǐ wánɡ lǜ] fatality/death rate
死亡人数 [sǐ wánɡ rén shù] death toll
死亡行列 [sǐ wánɡ hánɡ liè] casualty
死为烈士 [sǐ wéi liè shì] die a martyr
死刑犯 [sǐ xínɡ fàn] death row
死于非命 [sǐ yú fēi mìnɡ] die an untimely death ; (inf.) die in one’s shoes/boots
死于交通事故 [sǐ yú jiāo tōnɡ shì ɡù] traffic fatality
死者 [sǐ zhě] the deceased
送上西天 [sònɡ shànɡ xī tiān] (inf.) croak
碎尸 [suì shī] dismembered corpse
跳楼自杀 [tiào lóu zì shā] jump to one’s death
突然死掉 [tū rán sǐ diào] go out like a light
脱离凡尘 [tuō lí fán chén] go out of this world; depart from this world
为国牺牲 [wèi ɡuó xī shēnɡ] die for one’s country
物化 [wù huà] [euphemism] be gone
牺牲 [xī shēnɡ] fall (in battle)
熄灭 [xī miè] snuff out
仙逝 [xiān shì] [euphemism] be gone
享高年而死 [xiǎnɡ ɡāo nián ér sǐ] (inf.) die at a ripe old age
向病魔屈服 [xiànɡ bìnɡ mó qū fú] succumb to disease; die of disease
消失 [xiāo shī] passing
殉国 [xùn ɡuó] die for one’s country
殉职 [xùn zhí] die at one’s post
咽下最后一口气 [yān xià zuì hòu yí kǒu qì] (inf.) breathe one’s last
夭亡 [yāo wánɡ] premature death
药剂过量致死 [yào jì ɡuò liànɡ zhì sǐ] die of an overdose of drugs
已故某某 [yǐ ɡù mǒu mǒu] the late Mr X
已死的 [yǐ sǐ de] be in one’s coffin
已葬的 [yǐ zànɡ de] be in one’s coffin
意外死亡 [yì wài sǐ wánɡ] accidental death
因伤致死 [yīn shānɡ zhì sǐ] death from a severe wound
永眠 [yǒnɡ mián] [euphemism] the sleep that knows no waking; go to one’s rest/reward
与造物主会合 [yǔ zào wù zhǔ huì hé] (inf.) meet one’s Maker
与祖先聚合 [yǔ zǔ xiān jù hé] [America Indian] be gathered to one’s fathers
与祖先同眠 [yǔ zǔ xiān tónɡ mián] [America Indian] sleep with one’s ancestors
遇上劫数 [yù shànɡ jié shù] (inf.) meet one’s doom; go to one’s doom
遭不测 [zāo bú cè] meet with an accident
炸死 [zhà sǐ] be bombed to death
战死 [zhàn sǐ] be killed in action
阵亡 [zhèn wánɡ] be killed in battle
致命 [zhì mìnɡ] fatality
转世 [zhuǎn shì] be reincarnated/reborn
装死 [zhuānɡ sǐ] feign death
灼死 [zhuó sǐ] perish in flames
自杀 [zì shā] commit suicide; do away with oneself; take one’s own life
纵火自焚 [zònɡ huǒ zì fén] immolation
走凡人之路 [zǒu fán rén zhī lù] [euphemism] go the way of all flesh








death; doom
走向~head for one’s doom/~鉴定verification of death/~率death rate;mortality/~事故fatal accident/~线verge of death/~营death camp/~证书death certificate;certificate of death





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