~是战争的重要因素,但不是决定的因素。决定的因素是人不是物。Weapons are an important factor in war,but not the decisive factor;it is people,not things,that are decisive./~既不能吃,又不能穿。Weapons can neither serve as food nor as clothing./ “~越多越安全”的危险哲学the dangerous philosophy of“the more the weapons,the greater the security”/ ABC~ABC Weapons即: 原子武器atomic weapon,细菌武器(生物武器)bacteriological weapon (or biological weapon),化学武器chemical weapon/大规模毁灭性~weapons of mass destruction (WMD)/放下~lay down one’s arms/拿起~ take up arms/常规~ conventional weapons/核~ nuclear weapons/轻~small arms;light weapons/美国售台~ US arms sales to Taiwan/生物~biological weapon/石油~oil weapon/~输出国arms exporter;arms exporting country/~输入国arms importer;arms importing country/~生产国arms producting country/~供应国arms supplier/~系统arms system;weapons system/~核查inspection(or verification)of weapons/~交易 (军火贸易)arms deal;arms trade/~禁运arms embargo/~库arsenal;armoury