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单词 credit
释义 credit1 /'kredit; 'kredit/ n 1 [U] belief of others that a person, business company, etc can pay dgbts, or will keep a promise to pay: (个人、公血等对于偿债方面的) 信用; 信誉: No ~ is given at this shop, payment must be in cash. 这家商店概不除欠。 His ~ is good for only £50. 他的信用仅限于五十镑。 If you're very rich, you can probably get unlimited ~. 如果你是个很富有的人,你或许能获得无限的信用。 buy/sell on ~, buy/sell goods, payment being made later. 除买 (卖) 货物。 ~ account, (US 美 = charge account) account with a shop, store, etc under an agreement for payments at a later date (eg monthly or quarterly). 除帐; 欠帐 (商店等记载顾客定期如按月或按季付款除购货物的帐目) 。 '~ card, a card issued by a business firm enabling the holder to obtain goods and services on 信用卡 (由一公司行号所发行, 持卡人可记帐先取得货物或享受服务) 。 b card issued by a bank, allowing the holder to draw money from its branches and use its cheques in payment for goods and services, with a maximum for each occasion. 信用卡 (银行所发行,agent(s) giving authority for credit to the holder. 信用状 (银行发给其代理镇行, 授权对持有人予以信任的函件) 。 ' ~- worthy adj accepted by tradesmen, hire-purchase companies, etc as safe for ~. 信用可靠的 (其信用安全为商店、分期付款公司等所接受的) 。 Hence, 由此产生, r ~-worthiness n. 2 [U] money shown as owned by a person, company, etc in a bank account: (童行帐户中的) 存款: How much have / standing to my ~? 我的存款尚有多少? You have a ~ balance of £250. 你的存款余额为二百五十镑。 3 [C] sum ofjnoney advanced or loaned (by a bank, etc): (银行等对容户的) 预付款; 垫款; 贷款: The bank refused further ~s to the company. 银行拒绝再贷款给该公司。 ' ~ squeeze, (government) policy of making it difficult to borrow money (eg by raising interest rates) / as part of a policy against inflation. M 缩贷款 (如借提高利率增加借款的困难, 为抵制通货膨胀的一部分 4 (bookkeeping) record of payments received: (簿记) 贷方: Does this item go among the ~s or the debits? 这笔帐应记入贷方抑或借方? '~-side, right-hand side of an account for recording payment receiveU. 贷方。 → debit. 5 [C] (US) entry on a record to show that a course of study has been completed: (美) (表示某一学科业已修毕的) 学分登记: ~s in history and geography; 历史与地理的学分; a '~ course, university course depending upon the number of grades and ~s received. 学分学科 (根据所获之等级及学分数口的大学学科) 。 6 [U] honour, approval, good name or reputation: 光荣; 荣养; 赞许; 好名声; 名霁; 名望; 名气: a man of the highest ~. 极有名望的人。 get/ take ~ (for sth), get/take recognition, honour etc: 得到赏识; 获得荣喜; (为…) 而获得声誉: Candidates will get additional ~ (ie marks) for clearly labelled diagrams. 参加考试者若有淸晰标明的图解将获得加分。 It is dishonest to take ~ for work done by others. 拿他人所完成的工作以谋个人的荣霁,是不诚实的。 give ~ (to sb) (for sth), give recognition, praise, approval: (为某事) 认可、称继或赞许 (某人): He's cleverer than I gave him ~ for, than I thought. 他的聪明伶驯超过我所料想的。 I gave you ~ for being more sensible, You are less sensible than I thought, 我未料到你会如此不懂事。 One must give ~ where it is due. 该贝许的就得赞许。 7 do sb ~; do ~ to sb; be/stand to sb's ~; reflect ~ on sb, add to his reputation: 增加某人的声誉; 成为某人的光荣; 使某人大有面子 -The work does you ~. 这项工作是你的光荣。 His smart appearance does ~ to his tailors. 他英俊的仪表使他的裁缝们的技艺益为生色。 It is/stands greatly to your ~ that you have passed such a difficult examination. 这该难的考试你都考及格了,是你莫大的光荣。 His fluency in Arabic reflects great ~ on/is greatly to the ~ of his teacher. 他说得一口流利的阿拉伯语,为他的老师增光不少 o be a ~ to sb/sth. add to the good name of sb/sth: 增加某人(某事物)的声誉: The pupils are a ~ to their teacher/school. 学生们为也启的老师(学校) 增光。 ~s; '~ titles, names, shown on a cinema or T V screen, of persons responsible for the acting, direction, production, etc. (电影银幕或电视荧幕上所显示的)演员、导演、制作人等的名单。 8 [U] belief; trust; confidence: 相信; 信托; 信任: The rumour is gaining ~. 那谣言已渐为人所相信。 lend ~ to, strengthen belief in: 加强对…之相信: The latest news lends ~ to the earlier reports. 最新的消息可证实早先的报导是可靠的。




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