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❶ (关于军事的) military: ~ 力 military force; armed strength [might]
❷ (关于技击的) connected with the art of attack and defence in wushu: ~ 林 the world or circle of wushu
❸ (勇猛; 猛烈) martial; valiant; vigorous: 勇~valiant; chivalrous; 威 ~ martial- looking; vigorous Ⅱ ❶ [书] (舞蹈) dance
❷ (指军事征伐等暴力行动) force of arms; armed strength; military force
❸ (泛指军事事务) military affairs
❹ [书] (兵威) might of an army; military might
❺ [书] (武夫; 武将) military officer [man]
❻ [书] (武功; 武艺) martial arts; military skills
❼ [书] (兵法, 韬略) art of war; military strategy and tactics
❽ [书] (兵器) weaponry; weapons
❾ [书] (半步, 泛指脚步) footstep: 步 ~ follow in the footsteps
❿ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 让 Wu Rang
◆武安 a surname; 武备 defense preparations; armaments and military provisions; 武昌鱼 {动} blunt-snout bream; 武场 percussion instruments in Chinese operas; 武成 a surname; 武丑 military comedian in Chinese operas; 武打 {戏} acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance; 武打片 a crobatic fighting film; 武旦 a female character type versed in shadowboxing, swordplay, etc. in Chinese operas; 武斗 resort to violence (in a debate, dispute, etc.); 武断 assertive; arbitrary decision; subjective assertion; 武断专横 arbitrariness and imperiousness; draw arbitrary and domineering conclusions; act arbitrarily and peremptorily; 武夫 man of prowess; warrior; a military man; 武工 skill in acrobatics in Chinese opera; 武工队 [简] armed working team; 武功 military accomplishments; 武官 military officer; {外} military attaché; 武汉 Wuhan; 武行 a minor role playing acrobatic fighting in Chinese operas; 武火 high heat (in cooking); 武警部队 People's Armed Police; 武剧 Chinese operas characterized by acrobatic fighting; 武力 force; military force; armed might; armed strength; force of arms; 武力干涉 interfere through the use of force; 武力解决 solution through the use of force; 武力威胁 resort to the threat of force; 武力征服 conquer... by force of arms; 武罗 a surname; 武庙 [旧] temple enshrining and worshipping Guan Yu (a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period); 武器 weapon; arms; 武人 soldier; armyman; 武生 an actor playing a martial role in Chinese operas; 武士 palace guards in ancient times; man of prowess; warrior; knight; 武士道 [日] bushido; 武氏合金 Wood's metal; 武术 wushu, martial or physical arts such as shadowboxing, swordplay, etc., formerly cultivated for self-defence, now a form of physical culture; 武侠片 swordsmen film; 武侠小说 gongfu story; Kunfu novels [fiction]; mavtial arts fiction [novels]; wushu novels [fiction]; 武仙角 cap Herculis; 武夷茶 bohea; 武艺 skill in wushu 参见“武术”; 武艺超群 One's military skill stands out conspicuously.; One's military arts excel all.; 武艺出众 One's fighting skill is far above that of common men.; 武艺高强 be highly skilled in military drill; 武职 the position of a military officer; 武装 arms; military equipment; battle outfit; armed forces; equip with arms; supply with arms; arm





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