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单词 credible
释义 credible /'kredabl; 'kredabl/ adj that can be believed: 讨信的; 可党的: ~ witnesses. 可信的证人。 It hardly seems ~, seems almost impossible to believe. 它似乎是难以置信的。 cred-ibly adv in a ~ manner: 可信地; 确实地: We are credibly informed that: ... 我们获得可靠的消息…。 credibility /.kredi-'bibti; rcda'bilati/ n [U] the ability to be believed in. 确实性:哉信性。 credibility gap, the difference between what sb says and what is considered to be true, 可信度 (某人所说的话及其确实性之间的差异) 。 持卡之客户可在各分行提款,且使用该行支票偿付货款及工资,但每笔款有一 - 定的限额 ) 0 note, (comm) one that gives ~ to a customer for goods returned or for overcharged goods. (商) 信用票据。 ' ~ sales, sales for which payment is made, by agreement, later. 余售; 除卖 (经同意先交货后收款) 。 Cf 参较 cash sales. Jetter of '~, letter from a bank to its




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