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单词 步人后尘

步人后尘bù rén hòu chén

come (/follow/tread) upon sb’s heels; dog sb’s step; follow another’s example; follow (/tread) in sb’s track (/trail/foot-steps); follow in the wake of sb; follow suit;take after sb;take a leaf out of another person’s book; trail along behind others; tread on the footprints of sb
❍ 若论心里的丘壑泾渭,颇步熙凤的后尘。(《红楼梦》1041)As regards ability and craftiness,she took after Xifeng.

步人后尘bù rén hòu chén

跟在别人后面走。形容重复前人的言谈举止。follow upon sb.’s heels, follow another’s example, follow suit, tread on the footprints of sb., take after sb., dog sb.’s step, trail along behind others, follow in other people’s footsteps





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