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单词 正言厉色

正言厉色zhèng yán lì sè

in a very serious(/stem) manner;say gravely with a straight face;in a serious tone and with a solemn look/“不!不!今天走!杨拐子!赶快去买票!”季交恕~地说。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—117)“No,no!We must leave today.Go and get the tickets fOr us now,Cripple Yang!”declared Jiaoshu in a very serious manner.
❍ 为什么有穿有吃的人也作贼?不是好东西。从而~地拒绝他:“赶快拿出去!我不吃。”(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—47)Now why should a man who was well provided for become a thief?Indeed such a man must be rotten!When he thought of this he said to Zhou Yu in a very stern manner:“Take it away at once;I won't eat any of it!”/众人见他~的说了,也都再无有别话,怔怔的还等往下说,只觉他冰冷无味的就住了。(《红楼梦》690)Having said this gravely with a straight face she stopped.The others waited in some mystification for her to go on,but all that followed was an icy silence.
❍ 叶得胜立即正言厉声地责问季交恕:“你为什么答应他拿团体的钱去办报啦?”(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—161)Ye Desheng questioned his friend sternly:“Why did you agree to let him take the organization's money to run the newspaper?/黛玉见他说的郑重,又且~,只当是真事,……(《红楼梦》227)❶Taken in by his straight face and earnest manner.Daiyu asked to hear about it.
❷This was delivered with so straight a face and in so serious a tone of voice that Daivu was quite taken in.

正言厉色zhènɡ yán lì sè

正:严正;厉:严厉。形容词语严正,态度严厉。look serious and severe, in a very stern manner, with a severe looks





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