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单词 正襟危坐

正襟危坐zhèng jīn wēi zuò

sit solemnly and respectfully; sit solemnly with one’s dress well buttoned; straighten one’s clothes and sit properly
❍ 宋忠、贾谊瞿然而悟,猎缨~,……(《史记·日者列传》)Song Zhong and Jia Yi were struck with wonder and,realizing that he was no ordinary man,they tightened the strings of their hats,arranged their robes,and sat up straight on their mats,…/虽然一些妖媚的中国妇人不断地向他们殷勤地顾盼着,用雪白的手敬着酒,但他们却仿佛没有看见一般地挺直胸膛,~。(杨沫《青春之歌》541) Although some seductive Chinese ladies made eyes at them and poured out wine for them with their snow-white hands,these self-styled “masters of Eastern Asia” remained seated with eyes front and chests out,as if impervious to feminine charm.
❍ 她旁边的那个~、威严而稳重的日本军官,在开始时是连李槐英看也不看的。但是酒过数巡,这个人却渐渐活动起来—……(杨沫《青春之歌》542) The Japanese officer who had been sitting gravely beside her without casting a single glance at her became animated after many roands of wine.

正襟危坐zhènɡ jīn wēi zuò

襟:衣襟;危坐:端正地坐着。扯直自己的衣襟,端正地坐着。形容恭敬严肃的样子。be all seriousness, sit bolt upright, sit in great state





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