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单词 crawl
释义 crawl /krai; krai/ vi [VP2A, C] 1 move slowly, pulling the body along the ground or other surface (as worms and snakes do); (of human beings) move in this way, or on the hands and knees: 爬; 爬行 (如虫类和蛇所为); (指人) 匍仙而行; 爬行: The wounded soldier ~ed into a shell-hole. 那受伤的兵爬入一炮弹坑。 ~ to sb, (colloq) try to bring oneself into his favour. (俗) 向某人拍马屁; 巴结。 2 go very slowly: 徐缓而行: Our train ~ed over the damaged bridge. 我们的列车缓慢地开过受损的桥。 3 be full of, covered with, things that ~: 充满或覆满爬行的东西: The ground was ~ing with ants. 初上爬满了蚂蚁。 The child's hair was ~ing with vermin. 那孩子的头发生满了蠢子。 4 (of the flesh) feel as if covered with ~ing things: (指肌肤) 起鸡皮疙瘩: She says that the sight of snakes makes her flesh 她说她看见蛇就起羯皮疙落。 n 1 a ~ing movement: 爬行; 缓慢而行: Traffic in Oxford St was reduced to a ~ during the rush hours. 牛津街的交通在上下班拥挤时刻简直变成了缓慢的蠕动。 'pub- ~ vi, n visit (ing) and drink (ing) at several pubs in succession: 在数家酒馆连续饮酒: go pub- ~ing; 去酒馆喝酒; go on a pub- ~. 连续在几家酒馆喝酒。 2 (the) ~ . highspeed swimming stroke with alternate circular arm movements and rapid leg kicks. 自由式游泳 (以双臂呈圆形交替的动作与急速的两腿踢功形成的快速游泳法 ~er n person or thing that ~s; (pl) overall garment made for a baby to 、 ~ about in. 爬行之人或物; (复) 幼儿所穿可以到处爬行的全身罩服。




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