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单词 歌舞升平

歌舞升平gē wǔ shēng píng

sing and dance in celebration of universal peace; sing and dance to extol the good times—put on a false show of peace and prosperity
❍ 因而必然采取措施——甚至是断然措施——来恢复旧的欣欣向荣、~的现象。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》117) That means measures,however drastic,must be taken to bring it back to its former prosperous and peaceful condition.

歌舞升平ge wu sheng ping

extol the good times by singing and dancing—put on a fake or exaggerated show of peace and prosperity

歌舞升平ɡē wǔ shēnɡ pínɡ

歌舞:唱歌跳舞;升平:太平。载歌载舞,庆祝太平。put on a false show of peace and prosperity, sing and dance to extol the good times, the piping times of peace





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