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单词 歌功颂德

歌功颂德gē gōng sòng dé

chant sb’s praises and sing of his virtues; eulogize sb’s virtues and achievements; extol and glorify sb’s accomplish memts;heap praises and eulogies on sb; sing the praises of sb
❍ 保持艰苦奋斗作风,制止~现象。(《毛泽东选集》1333) We must keep to our style of plain living and hard work and put a stop to flattery and exaggerated praise.

歌功颂德ge gong song de

sing the praises of sb.


eulogize sb’s virtues and achievements;sing the praises of sb
无论是回顾过去,还是展望未来,现在都不是~的时候,我脑子里充满忧患。Whether we are looking back on the past or looking ahead at the future,this is not the time for singing praise. My mind is focused on addressing pressing challenges.

歌功颂德ɡē ɡōnɡ sònɡ dé

歌颂功绩和德行。sing the praises of sb. heap praise and eulogy on sb., eulogize the deeds and virtues of





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