n (1)推 (act of pushing) [C]: Give the gate a (hard)~and it will open. (使劲)推一下那个门,它就会打开。open the door with/at one~一下把门推开;give the car a~to get it started 推一下汽车使它起动;His car needed a~to get started. 他的汽车需要推一下才能发动起来。John gave the man a~and knocked him down. 约翰推了那人一下并把他打倒。〖反〗pull;
(2)推进,进攻(planned advance; large-scale attack by an army in the course of a war) [C]: (enemy) make a~on the western front (敌人)在西线发动猛攻;The army's~into enemy territory was successful. 军队成功地推进到敌方的领土。
(3)干劲,动力 (strong desire to do sth, esp to succeed; drive) [U](infml): a man with a lot of~干劲足的人;She has plenty of~. 她干劲很足。I don't think he has enough~to be successful in business/do well in his job. 我认为他没有做好生意/做好自己工作的足够动力。〖同〗energy;
at a push 如果不得不 (infml)(尤BrE): We can afford the rent at a~. 如果必须付房租,我们付得起。
give sb/get the push 1)(被)解雇 (尤BrE)(infml): He was the manager of that firm but he got the~. 他原是那个公司的经理,但被解雇了。2)断绝与某人的关系(尤BrE)(infml): She has given her boyfriend the~. 她与男朋友断绝了关系。
if/until/when it comes to the push 如果情况所迫: We really need three people in order to do this job well, but we could do it with two if it comes to the~. 要把这件事做好我们实际需要三个人, 但是如果情况所迫,两个人也行。
→′push-start v & n 推(机动车)使其起动;
v (1) 1)推 (press (against sth) in order to (try to) move it away from oneself) [I, T+n, T+n+prep, C+n+adj]: You~while I pull. 你推我拉。Stop~ing at the back. 别从后面推。We~ed with all our strength. 我们全力以赴地推。He~ed in vain. 他白费劲没推动。He~ed the rock, but it wouldn't budge. 他推了一下那石块,但它纹丝不动。~the table against the wall 将桌子推到墙边;~sb away/out of the room 推开某人/将某人推出房间;~the glass across to sb/the baby carriage up the hill/the stool under the table 把玻璃杯推给某人/婴儿车推上坡/凳子推到桌子下面;~a problem to the back of one's mind (fig) 把问题推到脑后;~the door open/shut 推开/上门;〖同〗press,move; 〖反〗pull; 2)向前挤(推进) (make one's way by using force) [I+prep, I+adv, T+n+adv, T+n+prep]: The celebrity~ed past the reporters and got into his car. 那位名人从记者中间挤过去钻进他的汽车。The rude fellow~ed past (me). 那粗鲁的家伙(从我身边)挤了过去。He~ed himself to the front of the crowd. 他挤到人群的前面。~forward 挤向前去;~(one's way) through (the crowd) 挤过(人群)去;〖同〗press,shove,shoulder;
(2)按(按钮等) (put pressure on (a knob, button, etc)͵ press) [I+prep(on/against), T+n]: You have to~on the handle to turn it; it's very stiff. 你得使劲按压把手才能转动它;它很不灵活。~hard against the door with one's shoulder 用自己的肩膀使劲顶门;~the red button (to stop the eleva-tor)/the doorbell 按红色的按钮(以使电梯停下)/门铃;I~ed the button and the lights came on. 我按了按钮,灯亮了。〖同〗press;
(3) 1)强迫,督(敦)促 (force sb to do sth; drive or urge) [T+n, T+n+prep, C+n+to-inf](infml): Some parents are inclined to~their children. 某些家长喜欢强迫自己的孩子。If my teacher hadn't~ed me I would never have passed the examination. 如果我的老师不督促我,我永远也不会通过考试。~sb to the verge of suicide 迫使某人走向自杀的边缘;~sb into applying for the job/going to university 强迫某人申请那份工作/上大学;~sb hard to take up science 敦促某人学习理科;Tony had to~himself to go on doing such dull work. 托尼不得不强迫自己继续干如此乏味的工作。We always have to~him to do his homework. 我们总是得督促他做功课。~sb to become a doctor/a teacher 督促某人成为医生/教师;〖同〗urge, encourage, move, compel, force, drive; 2)催促,逼使 (try to obtain sth from sb by putting pressure on him) [T+n+prep(for)]:~sb for payment of debt/a quick decision/(an) answer 催某人还债/迅速作决定/回答;They are~ing for electoral reform. 他们敦促进行选举改革。〖同〗urge,encourage;
(4)推销(promote or try to sell; force sb or sth on the notice of others, as a means of success) [T+n](infml):~a new product/one's goods to win sales 推销新产品/商品以促进销售;He doesn't~his ideas enough. 他对自己的想法宣传不够。He~ed his plans cleverly. 他很聪明地宣传自己的计划。Unless you~your claims you'll get no satisfaction. 除非你坚持要求,否则你不会得到赔偿。〖同〗promote,publicize;
(5)卖(违禁药品,毒品) (sell (unlawful drugs) to drug-users)[T+n](infml): arrest sb for~ing heroin 因贩卖海洛因而逮捕某人;
be pushed for sth 缺少,……不足(infml): The universities are becoming increasingly~ed for money, and cannot employ any new teachers. 这所大学越来越资金不足,因而不能聘用新教师。be~ed for time 时间不足;
push the boat out 纵情享乐,不惜费用地庆贺 (infml): I really~ed the boat out last Saturday. I had a lot to drink and woke up the following day with a bad headache. 上星期六我纵情享乐了一番,喝了很多酒,第二天早上醒来头痛得厉害。
push one's luck 轻率地冒险 (infml): You didn't get caught last time, but don't~your luck! 你上次没有被抓住,但你不能再冒险了!
push up (the) daisies 进棺材,死 (infml): He has been~ing up the daisies for years now. 他已经死了好几年了。
push about/around (v adv) 对某人发号施令(vt): I'm not going to be~ed around by you or anybody! 我不会再听你或任何人的支使了!
push ahead/forward/on (v adv) 继续前进,赶路(vi): If we~ahead, we can get home before dark. 如果我们继续前进,天黑前能到家。
push ahead/forward/on (with) (v adv) 坚决地进行下去(vi): We're~ing forward with our plan to complete an inner ring road. 我们正在努力实施建成内环路的计划。
push along (v adv) 离开,走 (vi) (infml): I'm afraid it's time I was~ing along. 恐怕我该走了。
push forward (v adv) 使……注意(考虑) (vt): The newspaper report has certainly~ed the idea forward. 报纸的报道肯定已经使人们注意这种想法了。
push off (v adv) 1)(尤用作不礼貌的呵斥)走开(vi): What are you doing here? P~off at once! 你在这儿干什么?马上走开!2)使(船等)离开,离开(vi & vt): When he gave the command, everybody~ed off together. 他一声令下,大家一起把船划离岸边。
push over (v adv) 使倒(翻)掉(vt): One or two tables were~ed over in the scramble. 混乱中,有一两张桌子被打翻了。
push through 使通过(被接受)(vt): We're trying to~the legislation through before the Christmas recess. 我们正在尽力使这项立法在圣诞节休会前通过。
push up (v adv) 使(物价等)上升(vt): The wage increase~ed up prices. 工资增加使物价上涨。
→′pusher n 爱占便宜的人;贩卖毒品的人;′pushing adj 接近某一年龄的;′pushy adj 有进取心的,有冲劲的;爱干涉的;′push-bike n 脚踏自行车;′push-button adj按钮式的;′push-cart n 手推车;′push-chair n 婴儿推车;push-over n 容易做成的事;容易击败的对手;易被说服的人;͵push-′pull adj (电气设备)推拉式的;′push-up n 俯卧撑