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单词 欺软怕硬

欺软怕硬欺弱怕强qī ruǎn pà yìng

bully the weak (/the faint- hearted/the soft types/the weak-kneed) and fear the strong (the stout-hearted/the tough/the firm); a cowardly bully;meek towards the brutal and brutal towards the meek; treat the weak with high-handedness and cringe before (/be scared of) the strong
❍ 那焦大又恃贾珍不在家,因趁着酒兴,先骂大总管赖二,说他:“不公道,~!”(《红楼梦》92) ❶Because Jia Zhen was out—though he could have done nothing even if at home—Big Jiao was fairly letting himself go. Roaring drunk,he lashed out at the head steward Lai Er’s injustice calling him a cowardly bully.
❷While Big Jiao,encouraged by Cousin Zhen’s absence to indulge his talent for drunken abuse,was getting to work on the Chief Steward,Lai Sheng,accusing him of being unfair,of always dropping on the weakest,and so on and so forth.
❍ 你刚才埋怨皇天“怕硬欺软”。(田汉《关汉卿》37)Just now you were reading; “The gods are afraid of the mighty and bully the weak.”/真是~! (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》443) You bully the weak and are scared of the strong.
❍ 他们这 “革命”呀,可不如这汉子刚强,他们~! (梁斌《红旗谱》193) The Kuomintang“revolutionaries” are no match for fine fellows like that. They just bully the weak and cringe before the strong.
❍ 我过去的所做所为,除了说明是~和贪生怕死之外,没有任何其他别的解释。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》469) The only explanation for my past actions was that I bullied the weak and feared the strong,and that I feared death and was greedy for life.

欺软怕硬qi ruan pa ying

bully the weak and fear the strong


bully the weak and fear the strong;browbeat the weak but fear the strong; be a cowardly bully

欺软怕硬qī ruǎn pà yìnɡ

欺负软弱的,惧怕强硬的。bully the weak and fear the strong, be a bully, scare the weak but fear the strong





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