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单词 pursue
pursue/pə′sju:, AmE pər′su:/ vt [-d, -d /d/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1) 1)追踪(捕,杀) (follow esp in order to catch capture or kill) [T+n](fml):~a bank robber/an escaped prisoner/a thief/a wild animal 追捕银行抢劫犯/逃犯/窃贼/野兽;~a stolen vehicle along the motorway 沿公路追踪失窃的车;(police car)~the criminals to the edge of the city (警车)一直追踪罪犯到城市的边缘;〖同〗follow, track; 2)紧跟,盯着 (follow esp closely; show continual attention to) [T+n]: (beggars)~the tourists (乞丐们)紧跟着游客;~a river to its source 上溯到河的源头;He felt their eyes~ing him. 他感到他们的眼睛老是盯着他。〖同〗follow; 3)(尤指不好的事物)跟着,缠绕 ((of sth bad or harmful) follow and cause suffering to) [T+n]: Bad luck/Misfortune~d her. 她总是遭恶运/不幸。His record as a criminal~d him wherever he went. 他是罪犯的记录总是跟着他。〖同〗follow;

(2)追求 (make efforts to achieve sth often over a long period of time) [T+n]:~fame 追求名誉;~one's ambition to be a doctor 努力实现当一名医生的抱负;He~d the goal of perfection in his art. 他追求完美的艺术目标。

(3)(继续)从事(做) ((continue) to carry out; follow (one's studies interests way of living etc)) [T+n](fml):I hope to~my studies at the University of London. 我希望在伦敦大学继续学习。He's still~ing lazy life. 他仍然过着懒惰的生活。~a matter (继续)调查一件事;~a subject of discussion 继续一个题目的讨论;

→pur′suer n 追踪(赶,求)者;从事者;pur′suance n 追赶(踪);从事,进行;pur′suit n 追求(捕);爱好





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