释义 |
欲yùⅠ (欲望) desire; longing; wish: 名利 ~ desire for fame and wealth; 求知 ~ thirst for knowledge; 食 ~ a desire for food; appetite Ⅱ ❶ (想要; 希望) wish; want; desire: 畅所 ~ 言 pour out all that one wishes to say; speak one's mind freely; 从心所 ~ do as one pleases; follow what the heart desires; 为所 ~ 为 do whatever one likes; act willfully; 己所不 ~, 勿施于人。 Do not do to others what you would not have them to do to you. ❷ (将要) about to; just going to; on the point of: 摇摇 ~ 坠 on the verge of collapse; crumbling; tottering; 东方 ~ 晓。 Dawn is breaking. 山雨 ~ 来风满楼。 The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountain. ◆欲罢不能 try to stop but cannot; be unable to stop even though one wants to; can't help carrying on; 欲盖弥彰 The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.; He who excuses himself accuses himself.; The harder one tries to conceal a thing, the more it attracts attention.; The more concealed, the more conspicuous.; 欲壑难填 Greed is like a valley that can never be filled.; Avarice knows no bounds.; boundless ambition; Greed is hard to satisfy.; The gully of desires is hard to fill up.; 欲加之罪, 何患无词 If you are out to condemn sb., you can always trump up a charge.; 欲念 drive; desire; 欲擒故纵 leave sb. at large the better to apprehend him; let the enemy off in order to catch him later; play cat and mouse (with sb.); 欲速则不达 More haste, less speed.; Haste does not bring success.; Haste makes waste.; The furthest way about is the nearest way home.; 欲望 desire; wish; lust |