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单词 purpose
purpose/′pɜ:pəs, AmE ′pɜ:r-/ n [-s / ɪz/]; vt [-s / ɪz/; -d,-d /t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)目的,做某事的原因 (intention or plan; reason for doing sth) [C]: What is the~of your visit/the meeting? 你访问/会议的目的是什么?What is the~of having a bicycle if you don't use it? 如果你不用自行车要它有什么用?What is your~in doing this/going to France/asking that question? 你干这个/到法国去/问这个问题的目的是什么?one's~in life 生活的目的;The yacht club's sole~is to promote the sport of sailing. 游艇俱乐部的唯一宗旨是促进航海运动。for the~of making more money 为了赚更多的钱;His~was to graduate from medical school and become a great surgeon. 他的目标是从医学院毕业并成为一名优秀的外科医生。The main~of this lesson is to learn how electricity works. 本课的主要目的是学习电是怎样工作的。〖同〗goal,aim,object,intention,plan;

(2)决心,意志 (determination; resolve) [U](fml): study/work with~学习/工作有决心;weak of~没有决心;a man of~有决心的人;firm/wanting in~意志坚定/薄弱;He walked with a stride full of~. 他意志坚定地迈着大步。〖同〗determination,will; 〖反〗purposelessness,aimlessness;

on purpose 故意地: You broke the vase on~, didn't you? 你是故意将花瓶打碎的,对不对?

answer/fulfil/serve one's/the purpose 适合需要,能解决问题(fml): The pan is not the best one, but it will serve the~. 这只锅不是最好的,但可以解决问题。

to little/no/some purpose 没有什么/没有/有些用(fml): We spoke to little or no~. His mind was clearly made up already. 我们的话没起作用,他已经下定决心了。

→′purposeful adj 有目的的;意志坚强的;′purposefully adv 有目的地;意志坚强地;′purposeless adj 无目的的;缺乏意志的;′purposelessly adv 无目的地;缺乏意志地;͵purpose-′built adj 专门设计(建造)的;

vt意欲,打算 (intend) [T+to-inf T+ing]: I~to visit/visiting England. 我打算访问英国。We~to continue/continuing with the plan. 我们决心将计划继续进行下去。They~to form/forming a further expedition. 他们打算组织进一步的探险。〖同〗intend,mean,plan;






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