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单词 欣欣向荣

欣欣向荣xīn xīn xiàng róng

full of life and vigo-(u) r; blossoming; flourishing; grow luxuriantly;invigorating; on the upgrade; prospering; pros perous; thriving
❍ 医生陪同张学海一边把孩子送进了医院,因为不足月,又受了点凉,这个刚投生到世界上来的微小的生命,到第三天上午,便离开了~的祖国。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—317) The doctor and Zhang Xuehai went together to the hospital with Tang Aying and the baby but what with being premature and having caught a chill,the little life that had just been cast into the world said good-bye to its newly blossoming motherland on the morning of the third day.
❍ 我们的祖国~,生产建设蓬勃发展,人民生活日益改善。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 551) Our motherland is flourishing,production and construction are forging ahead,and the living standards of the people are being steadily raised.
❍ 这时全国各方面是~的,政治上有民主化的趋势,文化上有较普通的动员。(《毛泽东选集》663) During that stage,there was a lively atmosphere in the country in every field; politically there was a trend towards democracy and culturally there was fairly widespread activity.
❍ 如今,百里震区林田路渠库逐步配套,农林牧副渔全面发展,到处逞现出一派~的革命景象。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—206) Now,the afflicted area has gradually been transformed with woods,fields,roads,canals and reservoirs.Everywhere we look,we see a prosperous,revo lutionary scene,with the over-all development of farming,forestry,animal husbandry,side-occu pations and fishery.


~的国家prosperous country/~的生活affluent life/~的市场bustling market

欣欣向荣xīn xīn xiànɡ rónɡ

欣欣:草木茂盛的样子;荣:繁荣兴旺、茂盛。原指草木生长得非常茂盛,现多指精神焕发或事业蓬勃发展。prosperous, flourishing, a lively atmosphere, in a hopeful and cheerful mood, on the upgrade





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