次cìⅠ ❶ (次序;等第) order;sequence: 车 ~ train number; 席[座] ~ seating arrangement; 依 ~ in due order;in succession;one by one ❷ [书] (出外远行时停留的处所) stopping place on a journey;stopover: 旅 ~ at a stopover [hotel];途 ~ stopover;travellers' lodging ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 卫 Ci Wei Ⅱ (第二) second;next: ~ 日 next day;~ 子 second son Ⅲ ❶ (质量较差的) second-rate;inferior: ~ 棉 poor quality cotton; 真 ~ really no good;terrible ❷ {化} (酸根或化合物中少含两个氧原子的) hypo-: ~ 氯酸 hypochlorous acid Ⅳ (用于可以重复的事物或动作): 第一 ~ the first time; 多 ~ many times; 进行了几 ~ 会谈 hold several talks;39 ~ 列车 No. 39 train ◆次大陆 {地理} subcontinent; 次等 second-class;second-rate;inferior;inferiority; 次第 order;sequence;one after another; 次货 inferior goods;substandard goods; 次级 secondary; 次品 substandard [shoddy] products;substandard goods;defective goods;ungraded [degraded] products;second; 次声 {声} infrasound;infra-audible sound;infrasonic sound;subsonic sound; 次生 secondary; 次生林 {林} secondary forest;second growth; 次数 number of times;frequency; 次序 order;sequence;succession;arrangement; 次要 less important;secondary;subordinate;minor;next in importance; 次于 next to sth. (in order or importance); inferior to (in rank, social position, importance, quality, etc.); 次长 [旧] under-secretary;vice-minister; 次之 take second place; 次中音 tenor; 次重量级 middle heavyweight; 次最轻量 flyweight 次❶second;next ❷second-rate; inferior;shoddy ~大陆subcontinent (一般指大陆上面积很大,但在地质、地理上具有显著的独立性,或政治上具有某种程度独立性的陆地。通常指印度——巴基斯坦地区为南亚次大陆,亦称印巴次大陆。有时也把世界第一大岛——格陵兰岛称为~大陆) |