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单词 purchase
purchase/′pɜ:tʃ əs, AmE ′pɜ:r-/ n [-s / ɪz/]; vt [-s / ɪz/;-d,-d /t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1) (购)买 (buying) [U] (fml): the~of a house/a TV set/a school book/land/shares 买一幢房子/一台电视/一本课本/土地/股份;The~of a car should never be a hasty matter. 买汽车千万不要急于求成。the date/the year/the proof of~购买的日期/年代/证明;~and sale 买卖;Is the~price less if I pay by cash? 如果我付现钞, 价钱能低一些吗?~tax 消费品零售税;〖同〗buying; 〖反〗sale, selling; 2) 购物 (act of buying) [C, 通常pl] (fml): make a~买东西;make several~s in a shop 在商店里买几次东西;have some~s to make 要买一些东西; 3)购买的东西 (anything that has been bought) [C, 通常pl] (fml): Are those~s yours? 那些东西是你买的吗?fill the car with the~s 在汽车内装满买的东西;carry one's~s in a bag/from a shop/home 把买的东西放在包里拿着/从商店里拿走/拿回家;be pleased with one's~s 对自己买的东西感到满意;The car was a wise/a good~. 这辆汽车买得明智/便宜。

(2)紧抓(握)(以便拉或举起某物,或防止其滑落) (firm hold or grip for pullingrais-ing or stopping sth from slipping) [U a~] (fml): get more~on a rope 更牢地抓住一根绳子;gain/secure a~on an edge of rock/the rock face 紧紧抓住岩石边缘/岩石表面;〖同〗 grasp, hold;

→hire-′purchase n 分期付款购物;

vt (1)(购)买 (buy sth) [T+n T+n+prep (with), D+n+prep(for)] (fml):~a piano/a car 买一架钢琴/一辆汽车;~shares 买股份;~a house with loans from a bank 从银行贷款买房子;~a new coat for sb 为某人买一件新外套;raise/reduce the~ing power of the people 提高/降低人民的购买力;a decline in the~ing power of the pound 英镑购买力的下降;〖同〗buy; 〖反〗sell;

(2)(以损失或牺牲)换取 (obtain or gain sth (at a cost with sacrifice or by effort)) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]: a dearly~d victory 以巨大代价换来的胜利;freedom~d with blood/at great cost of life 以鲜血/巨大的生命代价换来的自由;〖同〗obtain, get;

→′purchaser n 购买(物)者;′purchasable adj 可购买的;






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