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单词 pump
pump/pʌmp/ n & v

n (1)泵,抽水机,打气筒 (device that forces air water etc into or out of sth) [C] (尤用于合成词): a bicycle/a petrol/a stomach~自行车打气筒/汽油泵/洗胃唧筒;a water~水泵;The heart is a natural~which moves the blood around the body. 心脏是一个天然的泵,它使血液在身体内循环。

(2)抽(吸)的动作 (act of pumping) [C]: The water began to flow after several~s. 泵了几下之后水开始流动。He gave my hand a quick~. 他握着我的手使劲上下摇了一下。

→′pump-room n (矿泉疗养地的)矿泉水供应处;水泵房;

v(1)用泵抽(吸) (cause sth to move with a pump) [T+n T+n+prep C+n+adj]:~air into a tyre给轮胎充气;~water into a pail 向水桶中泵水;Oil is being~ed out of the ground. 油正在从地下抽出来。Water is being~ed onto the fields. 水正在被抽到田里去。(heart)~blood round the body (心脏)使血液在身体里循环;They have~ed the well dry. 他们把井水抽干了。

(2) 1)泵 (use a pump) [I]:~to fill the tank 用泵抽水灌满水箱; 2)(心脏)跳动,(血液)流动 ((of the heart or blood) beat) [I]: (heart)~very fast (心)跳得很快;

(3)盘(追)问 (get information from sb by asking persistent questions) [T+nT+n+prep(for/out of)]:~sb for information 盘问某人以获得信息;~the name of the winner out of sb从某人的口中问出获胜者的名字;I~ed him about his past/exam. 我盘问他的过去/追问他考试的情况。

(4)上下摇(晃)动 (move sth up and down like the handle of a pump) [T+n T+n+adv] (infml): He took his friend's hand and~ed it up and down. 他握着朋友的手,上下摇着。

pump in (v adv) 1)使泵入(vt): The tyre is flat; you didn't~enough air in. 车胎瘪了。你气打得不足。2)注入(资金等)(vt): Unless the government~s more money in, the whole shipbuilding industry will fail. 除非政府注入更多资金,否则整个造船业就要垮掉。

pump sth into sth 1)使泵入: P~some more air into the tyre. 向车胎里再打点气。2)向……注入(资金等): (firm)~money into the development of the new product (公司)向新产品开发投入大量资金;3)灌输,强迫某人学习:~facts into sb's head 向某人头脑中灌输知识;

pump up (v adv) 为……充气:~up a car's tyre/balloon 为汽车胎/气球充气





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