释义 |
横行霸道héng xíng bà dàoact against law and reason like a tyrant; act in an overbearing,tyranneous manner; domineer; lord it over. ride roughshod (/wild) over; trample on; throw one's weight about; tyrannize over ❍ 上海解放后,他看到中国人受到外国人的尊敬,外国人再也不敢在上海滩上~了。(周而复 《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—439) After the liberation of Shanghai he saw that Chinese were now respected by foreigriefs,and that foreigners no longer dared to act a s they pleased in Shanghai. ❍ 我若得脸呢,你们外头~,自己封就了自己是舅爷。(《红楼梦》 572) If I get giverl face you can b ully people outside,calling yourselves relatives of the Jja farnily. ❍ 后又助着薛蟠图些银钱酒肉,一任薛蟠~,他不但不去管约,反 “助纣为虐” 讨好儿。(《红楼梦》 111) In return for money,drinks,and dinners,he had lately g iverl Xue Pan a free hand .i n his nefarious activities- — had indeed not Omly refrained from interfering with him,but even aided the tyrant in his tyfanny. ❍ 还派助理员到咱村开会调查他们~的证据。(赵树理 《小二黑结婚》 18) The assisrant who came with us is to collect evidence in ollr village of their ev i l deeds. ❍ 现在中国还没有亡,外国人就这样一,…… (李六如 《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—169)NOW while China is still a soverign country. for eiKrners already dare to lord i t over our peot)le…/小子,别说你是官了,~的! (《红楼梦》554) Child,don't start t hrowing your weight about now that you're an official. ❍ 薛宝珠强横霸道,工人恨死了她,……(茅盾《子夜》 408) Xue Baozhtl'S too domineering,and the girls hate her like poison. 横行霸道riding roughshod over;running wild;acting like an overlord 横行霸道ride roughshod;run amok; play the tyrant;act tyrannically; tyrannize;domineer 在…的支持下,他们有恃无恐地~,对邻国实行武力兼并。With the support of…,they do not scruple to play the tyrant and have tried to annex territories of their neighbors by force.横行霸道,为非作歹 act tyrannically and outrageously 横行霸道hénɡ xínɡ bà dào比喻倚仗权势,蛮横无理,胡作非为。play the tyrant, lord it over, ride roughshod over, play the bully, run amuck, act in a tyrannous manner |