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❶ (跟地面平行的) horizontal;transverse: ~ 梁 transverse beam;crossbeam;
人行 ~ 道 (pedestrians’) street crossing;zebra crossing;
纵 ~ vertical and horizontal
❷ (左右向的或地理上东西向的) across;sideways: ~ 渡太平洋的飞行 a trans-Pacific flight;~ 过街道 across the street;~ 写 write words sideways Ⅱ ❶ (纵横交错;杂乱) unrestrainedly;turbulently: 江河 ~ 溢 turbulent waters overflowing their banks;
老泪 ~ 流 tears flowing from aged eyes
❷ (蛮横;凶恶) violently;fiercely;flagrantly: ~ 加阻挠 wilfully obstruct Ⅲ (使物体成横向) move crosswise;traverse: 这条铁路 ~ 贯全国。 The railway traverses the country. Ⅳ ❶ (汉字由左向右平着写的笔画,形状是“—”) horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters)
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 革 Heng Ge
另见 see also hènɡ。
◆横板 diaphragm;footlock;
横棒 horizontal bar;
横刨机 horizontal planing-machine;transverse shaper;
横滨豆 [日] yokohama bean;
横波 [书] sideway glances (of a beauty,etc.);{物} transversal wave;transverse wave;shear wave;
横彩条花型 bayadere;
横插一杠子 cut in;interfere flagrantly;
横产 {医} transverse presentation;
横撑 stull;waling;cross-brace;flying shore;block bridging;bunton;sash brace;
横撑船儿 meddle in;raise obstacle;
横冲直撞 push one's way by shoving or humping;barge about;clash in every direction [everywhere];collide right and left;dash around madly;force one's way (out);go first in one direction and then another;go on the rampage;jostle and elbow one's way;reckless action;run amuck;rush and swerve about madly;veer about;(They) went straight ahead and from the sides also.;
横穿 traverse;
横锤头 cross peen;
横刺 horizontal needling;
横锉 drawfile;
横打鼻梁 be brave in undertaking sth.;
横档 ledge;rail,waiepiece;yoke;barre;barrè;横荡 swaying;
横刀夺爱 take away other's woman by force;
横刀架 cross slide;
横刀跃马 gallop ahead with sword drawn;
横倒在地 be flat on the floor;
横道 crossing;
横笛 fife;flute;
横垫木 dutchman;
横渡 sail across;cross;traverse;transverse;
横断 traverse;
横断层 proparaclase;
横断裂 cross fracture;
横断面 cross section;transverse section;
横队 rank;row;
横风 beam wind;broach;
横缝 transverse joint;
横幅 horizontal scroll of painting or calligraphy;banner;streamer;
横杆 cross bar;overarm;beam;rail;
横搁栅 bridging joist;
横格 lined (paper);
横隔 tabula;telophragma;
横亘 lie across;span;
横沟 {植} transverse furrow;
横骨 {动} transversum;{穴位} Henggu (K 11);横谷 transverse valley;cross valley;
横贯 traverse;
横轨 traverse rod;crossrail;
横过 transverse;across;cross;
横巷 {矿} crosscut;headway;cutting;cross-opening;crossdrift;
横滑 sideslip;
横机 flat-bed machine;
横肌 transversus;
横加 violently;flagrantly;
横加白眼 look upon with contempt;
横加干涉 interfere wantonly;put one's oar in ...;
横加迫害 wantonly [wilfully] persecute;
横加诬蔑 slander wildly;
横加指责 blame unscrupulously ... ;hurl abuses at ...;make an arbitrary attack on ...;
横加阻梗 obstruct wilfully;obstruct unreasonably;
横接缝 butt;end lap;
横街 bystreet;
横截 {数} transversal;trans ̄ verse;traverse;
横截面 intersecting surface;transversal surface;(transverse) cross section;
横进刀 cross feed;
横跨 stretch over;stretch across;
横拦竖遮 place obstructions at every possible points;
横浪 athwart sea;beam sea;
横了心 steel one's heart;in desperation;be dead determined;
横力 transversal force;
横梁 crossbeam;cross member;cross girder;bunton;crossgirder;crosssill;cross spreader;dormant;girder frame;transom;capping;cappice;bridging beam;stull;string-piece;cross-piece;crossrail;headtree;headpiece;needle beam;
横列 arrange in a horizontal line;
横裂 transverse fissure;lobe;serobilization;
横流 transverse flow;flow over;overflow;
横眉 frown;scowl;
横眉冷对千夫指 point at and glare angrily at the reactionary elements;with a furious glare to point at the reactionaries;
横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛 Fierce-browed,I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers. Head-bowed,like a willing ox I serve the children.;
横眉怒目 face others with frowning brows and angry eyes;dart fierce looks of hate;One's eyebrows went up and one's pupils delated.;raise one's eyebrows and stare in anger;straighten the eyebrows and raise the eyes — angry looks;wrathful and cruel;
横眉竖眼 put on a fierce [determined] look;
横木 stringpiece;transom;byatt;
横目 angry eyes;look angrily at;
横目斜睨 cross the eyes and look askance;
横漂 lateral drift;
横剖面 cross section;transverse section;
横七竖八 spread all across in confusion;at random;at sixes and sevens;higgledy-piggledy;in disorder;lying this way and that;topsy-turvy;
横切 chisel point;crosscut; straight-across-cut;transection;transverse cutting;intersectio; buck; piercing traversing; 横切面 {生} transection;cross section;
横肉 fierce-looking;
横三竖四 disorderly;confusion;in disarray;
横扫 sweep away;make a clean sweep of;
横扫千军 sweep away the millions of enemy troops;sweep all before one横扫千军如卷席 rolling back the enemy as we wound a mat横生 grow wild;be overflowing with;be full of;happen unexpectedly;
横生事端 make trouble on every hand;
横生枝节 branch out;bring up unexpected troubles;deliberately complicate an issue;raise obstacles;Side issues [new problems] unexpectedly crop up.;trouble arising on every hand;
横省 side dart;
横竖 horizontal and perpendicular;in every direction;
横竖 [口] anyhow;anyway;either way;in any case;
横说竖说 exhaust oneself with persuasion;persuade repeatedly and insistantly.;
横挑鼻子竖挑眼 pick faults with sb. in various ways;find faults in a petty manner;look for flaws;nit-pick;pick faults right and left;pick holes in ...;
横条 trabecula;rail;barre mark;horizontal stripe;
横推器 lateral thruster;
横位 {医} transverse presentation;
横纹 band;
横卧 accumbency;
横下心(来) become case- hardened;be case-hardened towards ... ;be dead determined [set] to ...;harden the heart;steel oneself to (do sth.);
横线条 ledgement;
横向 broadwise;infeed;crossrange;abeam;transverse;transverse direction;cross;crosswise;lateral;transversal;
横向交流 lateral exchange;lateral communication;
横向(经济)联合 intersectoral links;horizontal economic tie [co-operation];lateral economic tie [alliance];cooperation between enterprises;inter-regional cooperation;
横向扫描 transverse scan;
横向思维 lateral thinking;
横向学科 horizontal discipline;
横向研究 cross-sectional study;
横向一体化 horizontal integration;
横心 steel one's heart;become desperate;
横行 run wild;run amuck;be on a rampage;
横行霸道 run amuck [wild];act against law and reason,like a tyrant;act against reason;act in a tyrannous manner;act outrageously and ferociously;act truculently;act violently;be unbridled in one's truculence;domineer;lord it over;play the bully;play the tyrant at will;ride roughshod over ...;throw one's weight about everywhere;tyrannize;
横行不法 act illegally;act against law and reason;violent and lawless;
横行介士 one who walks sideways — another name for the crab;
横行无忌 run amuck;run wild;
横行一时 run rampant [wild] for a while;run amuck at [for] a certain time;
横痃 {医} a kind of disease caused by venereal disease;
横移 sidesway;
横溢 abundant;brimming;overflowing;
横越 traverse;overstep;
横征暴敛 extort excessive taxes and levies;bleed the people white with ruthless taxation [taxes];extort illegal taxes;extort taxes ruthlessly;levy exorbitant [heavy] taxes;tax and fleece the people;tax the people to the bone;
横轴 lateral axis;abscissa axis;axis of abscissa;cross axle;cross-rod;cross-shaft;lateral axle;transverse shaft;
横坐标 {数} abscissa;horizontal ordinate


❶ (蛮横;凶暴) harsh and unreasonable;perverse: 发 ~ act in an unreasonable way;~ 蛮 harsh and unreasonable;violent
❷ (不吉利的;意外的) unexpected
另见 see also hénɡ。
◆横暴 perverse and violent;
横财 ill-gotten wealth;a fortune which one doesn't deserve;ill gains;a windfall;
横话 unlucky words or utterance;stiff and stern language;harsh words;
横祸 unexpected calamity;sudden misfortune;unexpected misfortune or disaster;
横蛮 harsh and unreasonable;perverse;
横逆 [书] effrontery or insult;unreasonableness;
横事 a bad accident;unlucky happenings;an untoward accident;
横死 (死于非命) die a violent death;meet with a sudden death;a violent death;
横夭 an unnatural death;
横议 [书] extreme views;radical statement;far-fetched arguments;
横遭不幸 suffer a sudden misfortune;a sudden misfortune;
横遭胁迫 be unduly influenced by ...






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