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单词 pull
pull/pʊl/ n & v

n (1)拉,拔,扯,拽 (act of pulling) [C][N(at/on)]: The chain needed a strong~. 链子需要使劲拉住。give a~at sb's shirt 拉一下某人的衬衣;give a dog's leash a~拉一下牵狗的皮带;keep up a steady~on sth 拉住某物;feel a~at one's sleeve 感到衣袖被拉了一下;
 (2)吸引力(force that attracts or draws) [U the~]: magnetic~磁吸力;the moon's~on the sea 月球对海洋的吸引力;The~of the moon causes the tides. 月球的吸引力造成了潮汐。He couldn't resist the~of her charm. 他抵御不了她魅力的吸引。the~of the mountains/the sea/the wandering life (fig) 山/大海/流浪生活的吸引力;〖同〗attraction,influence,appeal;
 (3)影响,(偏向)某人的有利条件 (special influence; (unfair) personal advantage) [U](infml): He has a lot of~in that town. 他在那个镇上有很大的影响。have strong/a great deal of~with sb 对某人颇有影响力;get the job through~通过门路找到那份工作;without any~or family backing 既无任何门路又无家庭背景;the old families, with all the~of their name and possessions 因名声和财产而得天独厚的古老世家;
 (4) 1)吸(一口烟,烟斗等) (act of drawing in tobacco smoke from a cigarette pipe etc) [C][N(at)]: take a long~at one's cigarette/one's pipe 深深地吸了一口烟/抽了一口烟斗; 2)(尤指从瓶中)喝(一口酒) (act of drinking esp from a bottle) [C][N(at)]: He took a~at his beer/a bottle. 他喝了一口啤酒/他从瓶中喝了一口酒。take a~of milk from the can on the window 从窗台上的牛奶罐里猛喝一口牛奶;
 (5)费力的前进(攀登,划船等) (prolonged effort eg in walking climbing rowing etc) [U a~]: a steady~to reach camp by night 奋力前进以便傍晚到达营地;It was a long~to the top of the hill/the shore. 爬上山顶/划到岸边是漫长而费力的事。
 (6)拉(把)手 (handle for pulling sth or causing sth to act by pulling) [C](尤用于合成词): a bell-~拉铃的把手;a beer~啤酒桶上用于抽出啤酒的把手;
 (7)校(草)样 (test copy of sth printed but not yet examined for correctness; proof) [C];
 v (1)1)拉,拽,扯,抽 (use force on sth to move it towards oneslf) [I]:~as hard as one could 尽力地拉;You~and I'll push. 你拉我推。Stop~ing! You're hurting my arm!别拽了!你把我的胳膊弄疼了!She~ed on the reins to slow the horse up. 她拉紧缰绳使马慢下来。~at sb's sleeve/sb's coat拉某人的袖子/衣服;〖同〗drag, draw; 〖反〗push; 2)拉(拽,扯,抽) (某物) (use force on sth; cause sth to move in a specified direction by using force) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv C+n+adj]:~sb's hair/sb's ears/sb's sleeve (~sb by the hair/ears/sleeve) 扯某人的头发/耳朵/袖子;close the window and~the blind/the curtains 关上窗户拉上卷帘/窗帘;The horse was~ing a heavy cart. 马拉着一辆沉重的车。The engine~ed the train up the hill. 机车牵引着火车爬上山坡。(child)~the toy along behind him (孩子)在身后拖着玩具;~the plug out 拔掉插头;~on/off one's shoes/one's socks 穿上/脱下自己的鞋/袜子;~the door open/shut 把门拉开/上;
 (2)拔(抽)出 (take sth from a fixed position or place; draw sth out) [T+n T+n+adv]:~a cork/a stopper/a tooth 拔出瓶塞/拔出塞子/拔牙;~a revolver/a gun (on sb) 抽出左轮手枪/枪(对着某人);~a few onions for dinner 拔几棵洋葱做饭;P~(up) the weeds and give the flowers a chance. 拔掉杂草让花能长得更好。Why did you~up these young plants? 你为什么把这些小苗拔出来?~a pint of beer (从啤酒桶中)放出一品脱啤酒;~a chicken 给鸡净膛;〖同〗remove, withdraw; 〖反〗insert, plant;
 (3)划船(桨) (move a boat etc by using oars) [I I+prep(for), T+n]: P~, boys!P~for the shore. 划呀,伙计们!划到岸边去。~(a boat) to the shore/an island (把船)划向岸边/一个岛屿;(boat)~for the shore (船)划向岸边;We~ed hard and reached the shore quickly. 我们使劲划船,很快就到了岸边。~away from the edge/toward the bank of the river 从岸边划开/向河岸划去;~a good oar 善于划船;
 (4)拉伤(damage sth by stretching it; strain or tear) [T+n]:~a ligament/a muscle/a tendon 拉伤韧带/肌肉/筋腱;〖同〗strain, stretch;
 (5) 1)拉(give a tug on sth) [I+prep(at/on)]:~at/on a rope 拉绳子;He~ed at the reins, but the horse refused to obey. 他拉了一下缰绳,但是马不听使唤。He~ed at the thread until it came out of the piece of cloth. 他把那根线一直从布里抽出来。2)喝(酒或其他液体) (take a long continuous drink of beer or other lquid from a bottle) [I+prep(at/on)]: He~ed at the bottle until he was satisfied. 他抱着酒瓶畅饮一番。3)抽(烟,烟斗) (draw smoke through a cigarette or pipe) [I+prep(at/on)]: He~ed at his cigarette. 他抽着香烟。The old man~ed thoughtfully at/on his pipe before replying. 老人抽着烟斗仔细思考后才作出回答。
 (6)开(开关等) (move (a switch lever etc) in order to cause an apparatus to work) [T+n]:~a switch/a trigger 把开关打开/扣动扳机;
 (7)犯罪(尤指偷窃),耍花招 (succeed in doing (a crime esp stealing) or in playing a (trick) on sb) [T+n] (sl) (尤AmE): ~a bank 抢银行;He concluded that the same bandit probably had~ed all three holdups. 他断定三次拦路抢劫可能都是同一匪徒干的。~a trick/boner 耍花招/闹大笑话;
 (8)(使车)改变方向 ((cause a vehicle to) move sideways) [I T+n]: The train~ed into the platform. 火车驶进站台。The car~ed out of the driveway. 汽车驶离了车道。The rowers~ed clear of the ship. 划船人避开了大船。(car) seem to be~ing to the right (汽车)好像正向右打斜;~a van to the left to avoid a dog 使车向左转避开一条狗;
 (9)(指马)习惯性地拉紧马嚼子 ((of a horse) struggle esp habitually against the metal bar that is fixed in its mouth to control it) [I];
 (10) 1)(在赛马中)故意要输而放慢速度 (hold back a horse in a race in order to avoid victory) [T+n]; 2)(在拳击比赛中要输而故意)不出拳 ((in boxing) hold back a blow being aimed with the intention of avoiding winning) [T+n];
 (11) 1)击(高尔夫球)偏左 ((in golf) hit the ball wrongly to the left) [T+n]; 2)(在板球赛中)将投过来的球打进或打向左外场 ((in cricket) strike the ball forward and to the left of the wicket by striking across the ball's path) [T+n];
 bring/pull sb up short/sharply 使某人突然停止: Our business in that country was doing very well until the political troubles~ed us up short and we had to leave. 我们在那个国家的生意一直很好,但政治动乱使我们突然停下来并且不得不离开。
 pull the carpet/rug (out) from under sb's feet 突然中止给予某人的支持,釜底抽薪 (infml): I wanted to buy a house, but the firm I worked for~ed the carpet out from under my feet by dismissing me from my job. 我想买所房子,但是我工作的那家公司将我解雇了,一下子断了我的经济来源。
 pull a fast one (on sb) 耍花招占(某人的)便宜(infml): The shopkeeper tried to~a fast one by selling low quality goods at high prices. 那个店主试图高价销售劣质商品来占便宜。
 pull sb's leg 开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人(尤指让其相信不真实的事): “We thought people were~ing our legs when they first reported seeing him,” a police spokesman said yesterday. 警方发言人昨天说:“当人们第一次报告说看见他时,我们以为他们在和我们开玩笑。”
 pull the other one (—it's got bells on) 别骗我啦 (说话者认为别人在愚弄自己时所说的话)(infml): “He's offered me twice as much money as I'm earning here.” “P~the other one, Tony. He's told me himself that he's dismissing workers, not employing new ones.” “他给我的工资是我在这里工资的两倍。”“别骗我啦, 托尼。他自己告诉我他正在解雇工人,不是雇佣新工人。”
 pull out all the stops 竭尽全力,尽最大的努力(infml): We'll have to~out all the stops if we want to get home before dark. 如果我们想在天黑前到家就得竭尽全力。
 pull one's punches 故意约束自己的批评或攻击 (通常neg)(infml): He wanted to know my honest opinion of his work, and he told me not to~my punches. 他想知道我对他工作的真实意见,他让我毫无保留地提出批评。
 pull rank (on sb) 利用职权,以权势凌人: I don't like to~rank (on you) but I think you ought to complete that work today. 我不喜欢以权压人,但我想你应该今天把那件工作做完。
 pull one's socks up 更加努力;端正自己的品行(infml): I won't allow lazy students in this class; you'll have to~your socks up if you are to meet the expected standard. 我不允许本班学生懒惰,如果你们想达到规定的要求就必须更加努力。
 pull strings/wires (for sb) 运用影响力(帮助某人) (infml): Jack~ed strings and got us a room at the crowded hotel. 杰克凭借关系为我们在人满为患的旅馆里找到一个房间。
 pull the strings/wires 在幕后操纵或影响: He's quite skilled at~ing the strings. 他极擅长在幕后操纵。
 pull oneself up by one's (own) bootstraps 依靠自己的力量取得成功(infml): Look at the recently elected leader—a lady who has~ed herself up by her own bootstraps. 看看那位最近当选的领导人,一位完全依靠自己的努力取得成功的女士。
 pull up one's roots 离开久居之地到他乡谋生: I shall miss you if you go to live in another country, but don't expect me to~up my roots and join you there. 如果你去异国他乡生活我会想念你,但别指望我会背井离乡和你一起去。
 pull one's weight 尽本份,做好份内的工作: The car workers have been told directly by their boss:P~your weight. 汽车工人的老板直截了当地对他们说: 要尽职尽责。
 pull the wool over sb's eyes 欺骗(蒙蔽)某人 (infml): an attempt to~the wool over the eyes of the working class 蒙骗工人阶级的企图;
 pull ahead (v adv) 领先(vi): Let that fast car~ahead; I'd rather have such a driver in front of me than behind me. 让那辆速度快的汽车在前面开;我宁可让这样的司机在我前面而不是在我后面。
 pull back (v adv) (使)后退(撤) (vt & vi): The mother~ed the child back from the flames just in time. 母亲及时将孩子从火边拉了回来。The soldiers were forced to~back. 士兵们被迫撤退。
 pull down (v adv) 1)(指疾病)使某人身体虚弱 (vt)(infml): You look a bit~ed down. 你看上去有些虚弱。2)拆毁(建筑物)(vt): The house was~ed down; it was too old for restoration. 那幢房子给拆了,它太旧了无法修复。3)挣(赚)钱(vt): You can~down good wages at this factory. 你在这家工厂能挣大钱。
 pull in (v adv) 1)将(某人)抓到派出所,拘留(vt) (infml): Two youths loitering near a supermarket were~ed in on suspicion. 两个在超级市场附近闲逛的年轻人被当作嫌疑犯抓进派出所。2)吸引(观众,支持者等) (vt) (infml): The new film star is~ing the crowds in. 那位新影星吸引了很多观众。3)挣(赚)钱(vt) (AmE pull down) (infml): He can~in $30,000 a year. 他每年能挣三万美元。4)(火车等)到达(进站) (vi): As the train~ed in there was a rush to get seats. 火车一进站,人们就跑上去抢座位。5) (车船等)开向一(岸)边(vi): The steamer~ed in towards the quay-side. 轮船驶向码头区。
 pull into (v prep) (火车等)到达,进站: The train is~ing into the station. 火车正在进站。
 pull off (v adv) 1)(车辆等)开到路边(vi): There is a place five hundred metres ahead where we can~off and have a rest on our journey. 前面500米处有个地方, 我们可以靠边上休息一下。2)使成功(vt)(infml):~off a coup/bank robbery/deal/plan 使政变/抢劫银行/交易/计划成功;
 pull off (v prep) 使(车辆等)开到路边:~off the road for a rest把车开到路边休息一下;
 pull out (v adv) 1) (车船等)驶向侧面(vi): Suddenly the car in front of us~ed out and nearly caused an accident. 我们前面的汽车突然向一侧驶去,差点造成事故。2)(车船等)驶出站台(驶离码头)(vi): The three-forty-five was~ing out as I ran into the station. 我跑进车站时,3:45的火车正在开出车站。3)抽(取)出(vt): Putting her hand in her pocket, she~ed out a handkerchief. 她把手伸进口袋里掏出一条手绢。4)退出(vi): The project became so expensive that they had to~out (of it). 那项计划太昂贵了,因此他们不得不退出。
 pull sb/sth out of sth 使退(撤)出:~soldiers out of the battle area 将军队撤出战场;
 pull over (v adv) 使(车船等)开到一边(vt & vi): The traffic policeman asked the driver to~his car over to the side of the road. 交通警察让司机把车开到路边。When the fire engines came rushing down the street, all the cars~ed over to the side to let them pass. 当消防车沿街疾驶而来时,所有的汽车都驶向一边给它们让路。
 pull round/through (v adv) 使恢复知觉(健康)(vt & vi): Loosen his clothes and give him a little brandy: that'll soon~him round. 解开他的衣服,给他喝点白兰地,这样马上就能使他恢复知觉。It will be several weeks before he~s through. 他得几周以后才能恢复健康。
 pull together (v adv) 1)通力合作,齐心协力(vi): We must all~together or our business will fail. 我们必须通力合作,不然我们的企业就会失败。2)控制自己(的感情)(vt): You have to~yourself together; your family depend on you. 你得控制自己,你们家都靠你啦。
 pull up (v adv) 1)(使)(车辆等)停下来(vt & vi): The driver~ed the bus up only just in time to avoid hitting the old woman. 司机及时刹住公共汽车才没有撞着老太太。The car~ed up when the light turned red. 红灯亮时那辆汽车停了下来。2)纠正,责备(vt): The director~ed Sam up for being late again. 主任责备萨姆又迟到了。
 pull up (to/with) (v adv) 改善,提高,赶上(其他人)(vt & vi): You'll have to~your knowledge of Africa up for the interview. 你得增加有关非洲的知识以应付面试。Once he gets his breath, he'll soon~up to the leading runner. 他一旦喘过气来, 很快就会赶上领跑的人。
 →′pull-in n 路边咖啡店;′pull-up, AmE ′pull-off n 路边停车处;′pull-out n (杂志等)可取出单独保存的部分;附页;





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