释义 |
棒bànɡⅠ (棍子) stick;staff;club;cudgel:木 ~ wooden staff; 棒球 ~ baseball bat Ⅱ [口] (强;高;好) strong;excellent;good:~ 小伙子 a very strong young man; 干得真 ~ have done a good job; 功课 ~ excellent in study; 字写得 ~ write a good hand; 庄稼长得真 ~。 The crops are excellent. ◆棒冰 [方] ice-cream stick; 棒材 bar; 棒槌 wooden club (used to beat clothes in washing);[方] ginseng; 棒球 baseball;baseball game; 棒头 {解} bouton;end bulb;[方] maize;corn;[方] stick,club; 棒头上出孝子 Dutiful sons are the product of the rod.;Spare the rod and spoil the child.; 棒子 stick;club;cudgel;[方] (玉米) maize;corn;[方] ear of maize [corn];corncob |