棍ɡùn ❶ (棍子) rod;stick;cudgel:铜[铁,木] ~ brass [iron,wood] rod; 警察用警 ~ 和歹徒搏斗。 The policeman used his baton to battle the rascal. ❷ (无赖;坏人) rascal;scoundrel;devil:赌 ~ gambler; 恶 ~ ruffian;villain 另见 see also hùn。 ◆棍棒 club;cudgel;bludgeon;a stick or staff used in gymnastics;stick; 棍棒形干酪 caciocavallo; 棍儿茶 low-quality tea made of tea-leafstalks or young stems; 棍术 {体} cudgel play; 棍水果糖 rock; 棍状小麦 club wheat; 棍子 rod;stick
棍hùn [书] ❶(捆,束) tie;bind;bundle up ❷(混同) confuse;combine;merge;mix up 另见 see also ɡùn。 |