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单词 corner
释义 corner /'ko: na (r); 'kornv/ n 1 position (exterior or interior) of the angle where two lines, sides, edges or surfaces meet; angle enclosed by two walls, sides, etc that meet: 角; 隅 (两线、边或面相交之外部或内部之位置; 或指两墙、边等所围成之角落): standing at a street ~,站在街角上; a shop situated on/at the corner; 于街角的商店; just round the ~, (colloq) very near; (俗) 一转弯就是; 非常近; sitting in the ~ of the room. 坐在屋内的一隅。 cut off a ~, go across, not round, it; take a short cut. 走直路; 走近路 (不经过转角处) 。 cut ~s, (of the driver of a motor vehicle) go across, not round them when travelling fast; (fig) simplify proceedings, ignore regulations, etc to get work done quickly: (指驾驶汽车者) 小转弯; 斜切 (当开快车时不绕角而斜切而行); (喻) 简化过程、忽视规则等使工作速成: We've had to cut a few ~s to get your visa ready in me. 我们必须简化手绩使你的护照签证及时弄好 .drive sb into a ~, (fig) put him in a difficult situation from which escape is difficult. (喻) 迫人入困境。 turn the ~, (fig) pass a critical point in an illness, a period of difficulty, etc. (喻) (在病中、困境等) 度过危险期; 脱险; 度过难关。 be in a tight ~, in an awkward or difficult situation. 处于困境中。 '~ stone n a stone that forms a ~ of the foundation of a building (often laid in position at a ceremony). 建筑物的基石 (常在奠基礼中下土) 。 b (fig) foundation: (喻) 基础: Hard work was the ~ stone of his success. 努力工作是他成功的基础。 2 hidden, secret, or out-of-the-way place: 隐密处; 偏辟处: money hidden in odd ~s; 藏在隐密难寻之处的钱; hole-and— methods/transactions, secret and underhand. 秘密而狡许的方法 (交易) 。 3 region; quarter: 地区; 区域: to the four ~s of the earth. 至世界各地; 遍及四面八方。 4 (comm) the buying up of all or as much aS possible of the supply of an article of trade, a commodity, a stock, etc in order to secure a monopoly and control the price. (商) 垄断市场 (买尽或尽量买进某项商品、货物、股票等,以图独家垄断而控制价格); 囤积居奇。 make a ~ in sth, (eg the buying of wheat). U断某物 (如收购小麦) 之市搦。 5 (Assoc football) (also 亦作, ~-kick) kick from the ~ of the field, allowed when the ball has been kicked by an opponent over his own goal-line. (英式足球) 鬲球 (自场角所罚之球,因对方球员将球自其球门线踢出场外而用之) 。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] force into a ~; put into a difficult position: 迫入角隅; 遍入困境: The escaped prisoner was ~ed at last. 那逃犯终被迫入绝境,无法逃脱。 That question ~ed me. 那问题把我难倒了。 2 [VP6A] make a ~ (4) in (wheat, etc): 垄断 (小麦等) 市场: ~ the market. G 断市场。 3 [VP2A] (of a vehicle, its driver) turn a ~ (on a road, etc): (指车辆、其驾驶人) (在路上等处) 转弯; 拐角: My new car ~s well, remains stable when going round ~s. 我的新车转粤时车行很稳。 ~ed adj (in compounds) having ~s: (用于复合字中) 有角的: a three- ~ed hat. 三角帽。




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