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单词 copy
释义 copy1 /'kopi; 'kapi/ n (pl -pies) 1 thing made to be like another; reproduction of a letter, picture, etc: 复制品; 抄本; 复本; 膳本; (信件的) 副本; 加印之图片; (影片之) 拷贝: Make three carbon copies of the letter. 蒋此信打三份复写本。 rough ~, the first (often imperfect) outline or draft of sth written or drawn. (写作或绘画的) 草稿; 草图。 fair ~, the final form of sth written or drawn. 膳清之稿。 '~book n exercise book containing models of handwriting for learners to imitate: 习字帖; 习字簿: ~ book maxims, commonplace maxims (as formerly found in ~ books). 陈腐的格言 (从前常见于习字帖中) o → also blot. '~cat n (colloq) slavish imitator. (俗) 毫无创造性的模仿者; 文抄公。 2 one example of a book, newspaper, etc of which many have been made: (书籍,报纸等印刷物之) 一本; 一份: If you can't afford a new ~ of the book, perhaps you can find a secondhand 如果你买不起新的,你或许可坟我得到一本旧的。 3 [U] material to be sent to a printer: (送印刷厂的) 原稿; 底稿; 稿子: The printers are waiting for more ~. 印刷厂正等着更多的稿子。 The fall of the Cabinet will make good ~, will make exciting news for the journalists to write about. 内阁的垮台将成为大新闻。 '~desk n (US) desk in a newspaper office where ~ is edited and prepared for printing. (美) 报馆里编辑稿件以备付印的办公桌。 '~-writer n person who writes advertising or publicity ~. 撰写广吿文字者。




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