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单词 根深蒂固

根深蒂固gēn shēn dì gù

deeply ingrained; deep rooted; deep-seated; have a firm foundation;inveterate; well established
❍ 这种新八股、新教条,在我们许多同志的头脑中弄得~,使我们今天要进行改造工作还要费很大的气力。(《毛泽东选集》788) These are the new stereotype and the new dogma. They have become so deeply ingrained in the minds of many comrades that today we still have a very strenuous job of remoulding to do.
❍ 农民若不用极大的力量,决不能推翻几千年~的地主权力。(《毛泽东选集》17) Without using the greatest force,the peasants cannot possibly overthrow the deep rooted authority of the landlords which has lasted for thousands of years.
❍ 莫知其极,可以有国。有国之母,可以长久。是谓深根、固蒂、长生久视之道。(《老子》五十九章) When his capacity is beyond anyone’s knowledge,he is fit to rule a state.He who possesses the mother (Dao) of the state will last long. This means that the roots are deep and the stalks are firm,which is the way of long life and everlasting vision.


deep-rooted;ingrained;firmly established;inveterate;dyed-in-the-wool
他们的冷战思维~。They have cold-war mentality infused into their blood. or:They have a deep-rooted cold-war mentality. or.They are dyed-in-the-wool cold-war advocates.

根深蒂固蒂(抵)ɡēn shēn dì ɡù

蒂:植物根茎相连接处,也指植物的根。泛指事物的根本。deep-rooted, built-in, well established, inveteracy, in grain, be deeply ingrained





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