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单词 cool
释义 cool2 /kud; kul/ adj 1 between warm and cold: 凉的; 微冷的; 不热的: ~ autumn weather. 秋凉天气。 Let's sit in the shade and keep ~. 我们坐到树荫下去凉爽凉爽吧。 The coffee's not ~ enough to drink. 咖谛还亲凉得能喝。 2 providing or allowing a feeling between warm and cold: 凉爽的; 凉快的: a ~ room/dress. 凉爽的房间 (衣服) 。 3 calm; unexcited: 冷静的; 锁定的: Keep ~ / 保持镇定! He was always ~ in the face of danger. 他面临危险时总能保持镇定。 He has a ~ head, doesn't get agitated. 他有冷静的头脑 (不激动,不慌张) 。 Hence, 由此产生, 'headed adj 4 impudent in a calm way; without shame: 厚颜的; 无耻曲: What ~ behaviour—taking my lawn-mower without asking my permission! 未得到我的许可就拿走我的刈草机 — 这是多么可耻的行为呵! 5 (of behaviour) not showing interest or enthusiasm: (指行为) 冷淡的; 不感兴趣的; 不热心的: They gave the prime minister a ~ reception. U 们很冷淡地接待那位首相。 play it ~, (colloq) deal calmly with a situation; be relaxed. (俗) 冷静应付; 放轻松。 6 (of sums of money, distances, etc) putting emphasis on the figure, and perhaps suggesting complacency: (指钱的欢目、距离等) 整整的; 不折不扣的: My new car cost me a ~ thousand. 我的新车整整花了我一千 (绚。 He suggested that we should walk a ~ twenty miles farther. 他建议我们至少再向前行二十哩。 7 (US sl) pleasant; fine. (美俚) 适意的; 好的。 n 1 (usu 通常作 the ~) ~ air or place; ~ness: 凉爽的空气或地方; 凉爽: in the ~ of the evening; 在榜晚凉爽的空气中; the ~ of the forest. 林中的荫凉处。 2 [U] (colloq) composure. (俗) 镇静; 沉着; 冷静。 keep ons remain calm, unworried. 保择卜静; 不福。 ~ly /'ku: !li; 'kulli/ adv ~ness n




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