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单词 树倒猢狲散

树倒猢狲散shù dǎo hú sūn sàn

when the tree falls the monkeys scatter; when an influential person(/the boss) falls from power,his hangers-on(/lackeys)disperse
❍ 一旦~,全局就改观了。(《毛泽东选集》732) The whole situation will change when the tree falls and the monkeys scatter.
❍ 一旦倘或 ‘乐极生悲’,若应了那句 ‘~’ 的俗语,岂不虚称了一世诗书旧族了。(《红楼梦》145) Suppose one day“joy at its height engenders sorrow”. And suppose that,in the words of another proverb,“when the tree falls,the monkeys scatter.” Will not our reputation as one of the great,cultured households of the age then turn into a hollow mockery?”


when the tree falls,the monkeys scatter—when an influential person falls from power,his hangers-on disperse;A sinking ship is deserted by rats.

树倒猢狲散shù dǎo hú sūn sàn

猢狲:猴子。大树倒了,树上的猴子都散开了。比喻中心人物一垮台,依附者也随之而溃散。when an influential person falls from power, his hanger on disperse; forsake the setting sun, Rats desert a falling house.





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