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单词 contrary
释义 contrary2 /'kontran US: -treri; 'kantren/ n (pl -ries) 1 [U] the ~,opposite: 反面; 相反孚: The ~ of -wet' is ' 湿'的相反字是'干'。 on the ~, phrase used to make a denial or contradiction more emphatic: 相反地 (强调否定或反驳之辞): 'You've nothing to do now, / suppose.' — On the ~, J have piles of work:'我想标讯在没有事可做了。恰好相反,我有成堆的工作。'f。t 膈 ~ . to the opposite effect: 有相反的意思; 相反的 (地): I will come on Monday unless you write to the ~, telling me not to come. 我将于星期一来, 除非你写信叫我不要来。 I shall continue to believe it until I get proof to the ~, proof that it is not true. 在我未得到相反的证据之前,我将疗绩相信它。 2 [C] by contraries, a ~ to expectation: 与预期相违: Many things in our lives go by contraries. 我们一生之中有许多事情与愿望相违。 b by. way of opposition: 表相反乏意; 有相反之情形: She said tljat dreams go by contraries, eg that a dream about bad fortune may foretell good fortune. 她说梦境预兆相反的事 (如梦见恶运可能预兆好运) 。




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