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单词 contrary
释义 contrary1 /'kontran US: -treri; 'kantrcn/ adj 1 opposite (in nature or tendency): (在性质或倾向上) 相反的:'反。广 and 'cold' are ~ terms. 热与冷系相反之话。 2 (of the wind and weather) unfavour able (for sailing) : (指风向和天气) 不利 (于航行) 的: The ship was delayed by ~ winds. 此船为逆风所阻而延涅。 3 (/kan'trean; kan'tren/) obstinate; self-willed. 顽固的; 倔强的。 4 ~ to, (compound prep) in opposition to; against: (复合介词) 反对; 违反: to act ~ to the rules; 违规行童; events that went ~ to my interests. 与我术莉而事件。 What you have done is ~ to the doctor's orders. 你所做的与医生的指示相反。 The result yvas ~ to expectation. 结果与期望相反。 con tra , ily /'kontrarah US: -trerah; 'kantrerah/ adv in a ~ manner. 相反地; 不利地; 固执地; 倔强地。 contrariness /-ms; -ms/ n being ~. 相反; 不利; 固执; 佩强。




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