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单词 profit
profit/′prɒfɪt, AmE ′prɑ:-/ n;vi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)利润,收益,盈利 ((amount of) money gained after paying expenses in a business activity selling sth etc) [C U]: sell sth at a~卖出某物赚钱;do sth for~为获利润而做某事;make a~for everything sold 从卖出的每一件东西上获利;make a~of 10 pounds on the sale of one's bicycle 卖掉自行车赚了10英镑;gross/net~毛/净收益;a clear~of 30 per cent 30%的纯利;an increase in~s 利润增加;increased~s 增加了的利润;Actually only a small number of people reap the huge~s. 实际上,仅有一小部分人获得丰厚的利润。~and loss account 损益账;〖同〗gain,return; 〖反〗loss;

(2)好(益)处 (advantage; benefit) [U](fml): He gained a lot of~from studying abroad/his visit. 他从出国留学/访问中获益不少。What's the~of doing that? 干那件事有什么好处呢?spend some extra time studying the text with~多花点时间学习课文而得益;Finishing college will be to your~. 上完大学将对你有好处。There was little~in complaining. 抱怨无益。〖同〗advantage,benefit,gain;

→′profitable adj 有益(用)的;͵profita′bility n 有益(用)处;′profitably adv有益(用)地;′profitless adj 无益(用)的;无利(可图)的;′profit-margin n 利润率;′profit-sharing n 分红制;


profit by/from (v prep) 得益于,从……获得利润(吸取教训)(vt): I~ed by the advice they gave me. 我从他们的忠告中得益。hope to~from one's investments 希望从投资中获得利润;I hope you have~ed from your unfortunate experience, and will not make the same mistake again. 我希望你已经从你不幸的经历中吸取了教训,不会再犯同样的错误了。






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