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单词 contempt
释义 contempt /kan'tempt; ksn'tcmpt/ n [U] 1 condition of being looked down upon or despised: 被轻视; 被蔑视; 被鄙视: to fall into ~ by foolish or bad behaviour. 由于愚昧或不良的行为而被鄙视。 Such behaviour will bring you into ~. 这种行为将使你遭受鄙视。 A man who is cruel to his children should be held in ~. 虐待自己孩子的人应受鄙视。 2 mental attitude of despising: 轻视; 蔑视; 鄙视: We feel ~ for liars. 我们对于说谎者有鄙视的心理。 beneath ~: Such an accusation is beneath ~, not with what one has: 满足的; 满意的; 不再想要更多的; 满于现状的: Are you ~ with your present salary? 你对于你现在的薪水感觉满意吗? She is ~ with very little. 妒很容易满足。 Z — to do sth, willing or ready (to do sth): 愿意做某事的: I am ~ to remain where lam now. 我愿意保为现快。 I should be well ~ quite pleased) to do so. 我很高兴这样做。 n [U] condition of being satisfied: 满意的状态; 满足: living in peace and 生活平静满足。 to one's heart's ~, to the extent that brings satisfaction. 心满意足; 尽情; 尽欢。 vt [VP6A, 14] ~ sb/oneself (with), make ~; satisfy: 使满意; 使满足: There's no ~ing some people. It's impossible to please or satisfy them. 欲使某些人满意是不可能的。 As there's no butter we must ~ ourselves (→ be satisfied) with dry bread. 既然没有奶油,我们只好吃干面包了。 ~ed adj satisfied; showing or feeling ~: 满意的; 显示或感到满意的: with a ~ed look/smile. 带满意的表情 (微笑) 。 ~ed!ly adv ~ment n [U] state of being ~. 满意; 满足。 worth despising (because it is so ridiculous, etc). 这种控吿不值得一顾。 3 disregard or disrespect; total disregard: 藐视; 不尊敬; 完全不理: in ~ of all rules and regulations. 藐视一切规章。 He rushed forward in ~ of danger. 他完全不顾危险地往前冲。 He showed his ~ of death by rushing pt the enemy. 他冲向敌人表现出不怕死的精神。 Familiarity breeds ~, (prov) (谚) → familiarity ⑴ .[ ~ ” 'court, disobedience to an order made by a court, disrespect shown to a judge. 不服从法庭的命令; 轻蔑法官; 藐视法庭。




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