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单词 professional
professional/prə′feʃ ənl/ adj & n

adj (1)职(专,行)业的 (of a profession) [无comp][作attrib]: A lawyer or a doctor is a~man. 律师或医生是专业人员。a~woman/practitioner 职业妇女/开业者(尤指医生或律师);~associations/codes of practice/conduct 职业协会/规约/行为;be accused of~misconduct 被指责不守行业规则;You'd better seek/get~advice before buying stocks or bonds. 买股票或债券前,最好先向专业人员请教。〖同〗expert, experienced;

(2)具有(表现出)专业人员技能或素质的,内行的,高水平的 (of a very high standard): the performers of~standard 具有专业水平的表演者;a~piece of work/performance 有专业水准的作品/表演;~skill 专业技能;~foul 故意犯规;As an actress, she is so~. 作为女演员,她的水平相当高。be~in one's approach to one's work 对工作很精通;〖反〗amateur;

(3) 1)(将体育运动或其他活动等)作为职业的,非业余的 (earnming money by performing or giving instruction in a sport or other activity that is a pastime for other people)[无comp]: a~actor/musician/painter/boxer/footballer /cook /gardener /politician 职业演员/音乐家/画家/拳击手/足球运动员/厨师/园丁/政治家;P~athletes are not allowed in the game. 职业运动员不允许参加这次比赛。He turned~last year. 去年他转成了职业选手。2)(指体育运动等)职业性的 ((of sports etc) done as a full-time job) [无comp]:~football/basket ball/tennis 职业足球/篮球/网球赛;〖反〗amateur;

(4)总爱……的(repeatedly doing the specified annoying thing) [无comp] [作attrib](derog): a~complainer/trouble-maker/gossip/moaner 总爱抱怨/制造麻烦/传流言蜚语/呻吟的人;

→pro′fessionally adv 职业地;内行地;由内行来干地;职业化地;pro′fessionalism n 职业特性(作风);职业化;

n(1)专业人员 (person who lives on the money he earns by practising a particular skill) [C]: This house was decorated by~s. 这所房子是由专业人员装修的。〖同〗expert,specialist; 〖反〗amateur;

(2)职业球员(教练等) (person who teaches or engages in a sport to earn money rather than as a hobby) [C](= pro (infml)): a basketball/snooker~篮球/斯诺克职业选手;

(3)内行(有经验)的人 (person who has great experience and high professional standards) [C](亦作pro (infml)): a real/true~一个真正的内行;work of a real~行家里手干的活;His calm manner made it obvious that he was no common gunman, but a~. 他镇静的态度表明他显然不是一个普通的枪手,而是个行家。





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