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单词 枉尺直寻

枉尺直寻wǎng chǐ zhí xún

make eight inches straight by bending only one cubit—abandon (/lose)the less for the greater; compromise on minor points so as to gain on the major issue
❍ 枉尺而直寻,宜若可为也。(《孟子·滕文公下》) “By bending only one cubit,you make eight cubits straight. ”It appears to me like a thing which might be done.

枉尺直寻wang chi zhi xun

bend the foot in order to straighten the yard—lose a little in order to gain a great deal

枉尺直寻wǎnɡ chǐ zhí xún

枉:弯曲;直:伸;寻:古代的长度单位,一寻等于八(也有说七)尺。折起来只有一尺,伸直了却有八尺。比喻小处做点让步,以求获得大利。lose the less for the greater, abandon the less for the greater, lose small gains because of the main goal





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