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❶ (构造;组合) construct;form;compose:~ 图 compose a picture;draw up a blueprint
❷ (结成) fabricate;make up: ~ 思 think hard;make up a mental outline;
虚 ~ fabricate
❸ (建造;架屋) build:~ 筑防御工事 build defense works Ⅱ ❶ (结构) structure
❷ (指文艺作品) literary composition:佳 ~ a good piece of writing
❸ [书] (房屋;屋宇) house
❹ [书] (建筑物) building:巨 ~ a magnificent building
❺ (构树) paper mulberry
◆构成 constitute;form;consist of;compose;make up;constitution;composition;formation;enter;
构成派画家 constructionist;
构词 {语} word-building;word-formation;
构答反应 constructed response;
构架 carcass;frame;framework;truss;framework skeleton;staging;structural frame;
构件 member;construction member;constructional element;frame member;structural component;structural member;structural parts;component (part);structural unit;
构树 paper mulberry;
构思 (of writers or artists) work out the plot of a literary work or the composition of a painting;conception;design;
构图 {美术} composition of a picture;
构陷 make a false charge against sb.;frame sb. up;
构想 conceive;compose;visualize;proposition;concept;idea;blueprint;
构象 {化} conformation;constellation;
构形 {数} configuration;
构音不能 alalia;
构音倒错 paralalia;
构音困难 dyslalia;mogilalia;
构音障碍 dysarthrosis;dysarthria;
构造 structure;construction;tectonic;structural;makeup;constitution;build;formation;
构造物理学 tectonophysics;
构造性 constructivity;
构筑 construct (millitary works);build;
构筑物 structures





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