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单词 conspire
释义 conspire /kon'spaia(r); kan'spair/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, 3A, 4A] ~ (with) (against), make secret plans (with others, esp to do sth wrong): 阴谋; 密谋; 密南: ~ against the Government. 阴谋反对液府。 His enemies ~d to ruin him. 他的仇人冶谋毁灭他。 2 [VP6A] plot: 阴谋; 密谋: ~ sb's ruin. 阴谋毁灭某人。 3 [VP4A] (of events) act together; combine: (指事南合作; 联合; 凑合: events that ~d to bring about his downfall. 凑合起来使他垮台的各项事件。 conspirator /kan'spirata(r); kon'spirat/ n person who ~s. 阴谋者; 共谋者; 谋叛者。 con-spirator-ial /kanpira'tanal; kan/Spira'tDnal/ adj of conspirators or a conspiracy: 阴谋(者)的; 共谋(者)的; 谋叛(如的: with a conspiratorial air. 带着一种密谋的神情。




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