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单词 杯盘狼藉

杯盘狼藉bēi pán láng jí

cups and dishes everywhere; the litter of cups and plates; tuck in;wine cups and dishes lie about in disorder after a feast; with wine glasses and plates spread all over a dining-table
❍ 日暮酒阑,合尊促坐,男女同席,履舄交错,~,……(《史记·滑稽列传》3199) At dusk towards the end of a feast we cuddle together mixing our drinks,men and women sharing one mat,shoes and slippers intermingled,cups and dishes everywhere.
❍ 向梦中与数十人同游一寺,皆不相识,会食于殿庭,有人自外以瓦砾投之,~,因而遂觉。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》62) Just now I dreamed I was in a monastery with about a dozen strangers whom I had never met,having a meal in the courtyard. Then someone threw in a tile which upset the dishes,and I woke up.

杯盘狼藉bēi pán lánɡ jí

形容吃完后,桌子上的杯、筷子、碗、碟,乱七八糟地放着。stacks of cups and trays, wine cups and dishes strewn in disorder(after a feast), tuck in





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