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单词 杯水车薪

杯水车薪bēi shuǐ chē xīn

try to put out a blazing cartload of faggots with a cup of water—an utterly inadequate measure; a pill to cure an earthquake; a useless attempt; an entirely inadequate means; too insignificant a measure to be of any use;not be much
❍ 董钊说: “而且空军还可以投一些粮食?虽然说是~,但是……”(杜鹏程《保卫延安》111)“Besides,”Dong Zhao added,“we can get rations by airdrop. Although they wouldn’t be much, still…”/今之为仁者, 犹似一杯水,救一车薪之火也。(《孟子·告子上》) Those,however. who nowadays practise benevolence do it as if with one cup of water they could save a whole waggon load of fuel which was on fire.


try to put out a carload of burning firewood with a cup of water; a useless attempt;a drop in the bucket;utterly inadequate measure

杯水车薪bēi shuǐ chē xīn

用一杯水来救一车着火的柴草。比喻力量太小,无济于事。a drop in the bucket, a pill to cure an earthquake, too insignificant a measure to be of any use(effective)





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