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单词 proceed
proceed/prə′si:d, AmE proʊ′-/ vi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1)进行,接着做,继续进行 (begin and continue; go on) [I I+prep (to/with), I+to-inf]: I'd like to start teaching again, but I don't know how to~. 我想重新开始教书,但不知道如何去做。They~ed to the next item on the agenda/the election of a committee/the next business. 他们接着进行议程上的下一项/选举了一个委员会/做下一件事。After everyone was seated,the chairman~ed to announce his plans. 每个人都就座之后,主席接着宣布了他的计划。After drinking a cup of tea mother~ed to cook the dinner. 母亲喝了一杯茶后接着做饭。Please~with your work/your report/what you were doing. 请继续你的工作/报告/做你刚才正在做的事情。The politician waited for the applause to die down and then~ed with his speech. 那位政治家等到掌声平息之后才继续他的讲话。〖同〗continue,progress;

(2)(沿……)向前走 (go forward; move along a course) [I+prep] (fml):~across a road/along a street 横穿马路/沿着街道向前走;They~ed down the hill to the main gate. 他们下山来到正门。P~to the next light, then turn right. 往前走到下一个街灯,然后向右转弯。He left the train at King's Cross, and~ed home on foot. 他在国王十字车站下了火车,然后步行回家。The train~ed at the same speed as before. 火车以与先前同样的速度前进。refuse to~to Paris 拒绝前往巴黎;〖同〗advance;

(3)起诉 (take legal action against) [I+prep (against)]: The police decided not to~against him. 警察决定不起诉他。

(4)由……发生(引起) (arise from; have a cause or beginning in) [I+prep(from)]: Heat~s from fire. 热由火产生。plague and other evils that~from war 由战争引起的瘟疫和其他罪恶;Clouds of smoke~ed from the chimney. 烟雾来自那个烟囱。The trouble~ed from a misunderstanding. 整个麻烦是由误解引起的。〖同〗result,arise,issue, come;

(5)(指在大学里获初级学位后)继续深造(以获得高一级学位) ((in a university) advance from a first degree to (a higher degree)) [I+prep(to)]: He wishes to~to the degree of MA. 他希望继续深造,拿到文学硕士学位。

→pro′ceeding n 进程;pro′ceedings n 诉讼;程序,进程;纪要(录);pro′ceeds n 收入(益);






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