释义 |
来(來)láiⅠ ❶ (从别的地方到说话人所在的地方) come; arrive: 跟我 ~! Come along with me. 你 ~ 啦! Hello!; So you're here already. 她过一两个星期就 ~。 She'll come over in a week or two. 她说今天早上没有信 ~。 She says no letter arrived this morning. 电 ~ 啦! The electricity is on. 他们 ~ 自全国各地。 They hail from all parts of the country. ❷ (发生; 来到) crop up; take place; come up: 别人一干涉, 麻烦就 ~ 了。 When others interfere, it always makes trouble. 今年雨季 ~ 得晚。 The rainy season is backward this year. 雷阵雨马上就要 ~ 了。 A thunder shower is coming up. 那一年, 流行性感冒 ~ 得异常凶猛。 The grippe hit unusually severely that year. 问题 ~ 了。 Problems have cropped up. ❸ (做某个动作, 代替意义更具体的动词): ~ 一个180度的大转弯 make an about face; make a 180-degree turn; ~ 一盘棋。 Let's have a game of chess. 你歇歇, 让我 ~ 吧。 You take a rest. Let me do it. 我们去踢足球, 你 ~ 不 ~? We're going to play football. Do you want to join in? 我自己 ~ 吧。(指吃东西) I'll help myself.; (指做事) Let me do it myself. 再 ~ 一点吧? (指请人吃东西) Would you like a little more? 再 ~ 一个! (请演员表演) Encore! ❹ (跟“得”或“不”连用, 表示可能或不可能): 大事做不 ~, 小事又不做 be unable to do big jobs and look down on small ones; 辣椒我吃得 ~, 但不特别喜欢。 I can eat red pepper, though I'm not overfond of it. 坡太陡, 车子上不 ~。 The car can't come up, the slope is so steep. 他脾气好, 和谁都处得 ~。 He is good-tempered, he gets along with everyone. ❺ (用在另一动词前面, 表示要做某件事): 大家 ~ 想办法。 Let's pool our ideas and see what to do.; Let's put our heads together and see how to do it. 要不要我 ~ 帮你翻译? Would you like me to interpret for you? 咱们 ~ 试试, 看它会不会折断。 Let's try whether it will break. ❻ (用在另一动词或动词结构后面, 表示来做某件事): 他回村看望乡亲们 ~ 了。 He's come back to the village to see us folks. 我们报喜 ~ 了。 We've brought you good news. ❼ (用在动词结构或介词结构与动词或动词结构之间, 表示后面部分是目的): 用我们自己的双手 ~ 建设祖国 build our country with our own hands; 你能用什么办法 ~ 帮助他呢? How are you going to help him? 我们将开个会 ~ 交流经验。 We'll hold a meeting to exchange experiences. ❽ (来自; 来源于) derive; come from: “girl”这个词是由中世纪英文中的“girle” ~ 的。 The word “girl” is derived from Middle English “girle”. 这个词是从希腊文 ~ 的。 The word comes from Greek. Ⅱ (未来的) future; coming; next: ~ 春 next spring; ~ 岁 the coming year; next year Ⅲ ❶ (表示曾经发生过什么事): 你这是何苦 ~? Why have you done such an abominable thing? 这话我多会儿说 ~? When did I say so? ❷ (从过去到现在) ever since: 两千年 ~ over the past 2,000 years; 10多天 ~ for the last ten days and more; 别 ~ 无恙乎? How have you been since I saw you last? ❸ (用在“十、百、千”等数词或数量词后面表示概数) about; around: 80 ~ 个 around eighty; 20 ~ 岁 about twenty (years old); 两米 ~ 高 about two metres high; 6点 ~ 钟 about six o'clock ❹ (用在“一、二、三”等数词后面, 列举理由): 一 ~ ..., 二 ~ ... in the first place ..., in the second place ...; 我好久没有看她, 一 ~ 路太远, 二 ~ 没工夫。 I haven't been to see her for a long time now. For one thing, she lives too far away; for another, I've been rather busy. ❺ (诗歌中间用做衬字): 不愁吃 ~ 不愁穿 not have to worry about food and clothing; 正月里 ~ 是新春。 Spring comes with the first moon of the new year. Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 俊臣 Lai Junchen 另见 see also lɑi。 ◆来宾 guest; visitor; 来不得 won't do; be impermis ̄ sible; 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth.); there's no time; it's too late; 来潮 (of tide) rise; 来到arrive; come; 来得[口] be competent; be equal to; emerge (from a comparison) as; come out as; 来得及 there's still time; be able to do sth. in time; be able to make it; 来得容易去得快 Light come, light go!; Easy come, easy go.; Soon got, soon gone.; 来得早不如来得巧 To arrive early is not so good as to arrive at the most opportune moment.; To come early is not as good as to come in time.; 来电 incoming telegram; your telegram; your message; send a telegram here; inform by telegram; 来而不往非礼也 It is impolite not to reciprocate.; Friendship cannot stand always on one side.; It's impolite not to make a return for what one receives.; One should return as good as one receives.; 来犯 come to attack us; invade our territory; 来访 come to visit; come to call; 来稿 contribution; contributed article; 来归 submit to the authority of another; come over and pledge allegiace; [旧] (of women) be married into husband's home; 来函 [书] the letter which you wrote; 来亨鸡 Leghorn; 来回 make a round trip; make a return journey; go to a place and come back; back and forth; to and fro; cycle; 来回来去 [方] back and forth; over and over again; 来件 communication or parcel received; supplied parts; 来劲 [方] full of enthusiasm; in high spirits; exhilarating; exciting; thrilling; jest with; annoy; offend; 来客 guest; visitor; 来来往往 come and go; go to and fro; coming and going in great number; 来历 origin; source; antecedents; background; past history; 来历不明 unknown source or origin; It is not clear how he comes by so many valuables.; It is not clear how he comes to occupy the present important position.; obscure [unknown] origin; of dubious background; of questionable antecedents; one's legal identity not clarified of unknown origin; 来历可疑 a person of shady antecedents; 来料加工 processing of materials supplied by the foreign businessmen; accept customers' materials for processing; process on commis ̄ sion; 来料组装 assemble imported components; 来临 arrive; come; approach; 来龙去脉 sequence of events [actions]; cause and effect; origin and development; the ins and outs; 来路 incoming road; approach; source; 来路货 [方] imported goods; 来路 (来历) origin; antecedents; 来年 the coming year; next year; ... 来 ... 去 back and forth; over and over again; 来去分明 There is no secret about one's movements.; open and aboveboard; 来去无踪 come and go without leaving a trace; come and go mysteriously leaving no trace; 来去自如 come and go freely; 来人 bearer; messenger; 来人儿[旧] middleman in business deals or employment service; 来日 days to come; days ahead; time ahead; 来日方长 The coming days would be long.; have years ahead of sb.; Many a day will come yet.; Many are the years to come.; There are many days yet (to do sth.).; There are many days yet to provide for [think about] ....; The day is yet to come (for sb.).; There is ample time ahead.; There will be a time for that.; 来生 next life; 来世 {佛教} future world; next world; the world to come; afterdeath; 来势 the force with which sth. breaks out; oncoming force; 来势汹汹 break in in full fury; bear down menacingly; come to look for trouble; One's aspect is like the noise of rushing water.; 来书 [书] incoming letter; 来苏儿 {药} Lysol; 来头 connections; background; backing; the motive behind; cause; [口] interest; fun; 来往 (来和去) come and go; 来往帐目 open account; 来往 dealings; contact; intercourse; 来文 document received; 来无影去无踪 approach without casting a shadow and leave without leaving a trace; 来信 send a letter here; incoming letter; 来意 one's purpose in coming; 来由 reason; cause; 来源 source; origin; originate; stem from; 来者不拒 refuse nobody; All are welcome.; All comers are welcome.; All's fish that comes to one's net.; 来者不善, 善者不来 The one who is coming surely has bad intentions; with good intent (he) would not come.; He who has come, comes with ill intent, certainly not on virtue bent.; He who has come is surely strong or he'd never have come along.; Those who have come are not friendly; those who are friendly have not come.; 来之不易 be not easily won; be hard won; be not easily come by; 来兹 [书] the coming year; 来自 come from; 来踪去迹 the footprints leading to a certain point and from these onwards the traces left behind; the clues; traces of sb.'s movements; traces of sb.'s whereabouts
来(來)lɑi ❶ (用在动词后, 表示动作朝着说话人所在的地方): 过 ~! Come over here! 你是一路跑 ~ 的吗? Did you run all the way here? 请把那本书拿 ~。 Bring me the book, please. 什么风把你给吹 ~ 了? What brings you here? 喜讯传 ~, 欢声雷动。 The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers. ❷ (用在动词后, 表示动作的结果): 信笔写 ~ write down one's ideas as they come to mind; 一觉醒 ~ wake up after a sound sleep; 说 ~ 话长。 It's a long story. 想 ~ 好笑。 It's ridiculous to think of it. 他的话听 ~ 很有道理。What he says sounds quite true. 另见 see also lái。 |