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单词 束手束脚

束手束脚缩手缩脚shù shǒu shù jiǎo

be bound hand and foot; discreet to the extreme;overcautious; shrink from doing anything (/taking any action);timid and hesitant; try to be always on the safe side; try to play safe; with undue caution
❍ 有反不肃,~,是不对的。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—359) It is wrong to be bound hand and foot and not to eliminate counter-revolutionaires where they are found.
❍ 从一九四九年到现在已经撤换了九名村长,使得有些工作积极的干部,在工作上也是~,怕犯错误被撤换掉。(《中国农村的社会主义高潮》130) Nine village heads had been replaced since 1949. So for fear of committing mistakes and being removed,many once enthusiastic cadres became hesitant in their work.

束手束脚shù shǒu shù jiǎo

捆住手和脚。形容做事放不开手脚,小心从事。overcautiousness, be bound hand and foot, discreet to the extreme





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