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单词 束手待毙

束手待毙shù shǒu dài bì

accept (/meet)death(/defeat/failure/ruination)with resignation;helplessly wait for the end; fold one’s hands and await death (/destruction); resign oneself to extinction(/death/defeat); sit and await death with folded hands
❍ 好!你这鬼!难道我们就此~么?(茅盾《子夜》64)Very well,you devils—we’ll see! Think I’m done for,eh?/关公此意,正要斩我二人。我等安可束手受死?(《三国演义》652) Guan wanted to slay us two and has forced me to this. Are we to fold our hands and await death?/如果不发展人民经济和公营经济,我们就只有~。(《毛泽东选集》846) We shall simply beresigning ourselves to extinctio nunless we develop both the private and the public sectors of the economy.
❍ 曹兵既至,岂可束手待死! (《三国演义》89)Now the enemy is upon us,we cannot sit and await death with folded hands.
❍ ~呢? 还是冒险干起来? (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—252) Now,shall I wait till they come and kill me or shall I take a risk and strike at them first?

束手待毙shù shǒu dài bì

束:捆;毙:死。把手捆起来等死。比喻遇到困难不去积极想办法解决,而是坐着等待失败或死亡的来临,丧失最后一线的机会。fold one’s hands and await destruction, wait helplessly for the end, resign oneself to extinction





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