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单词 杜门不出

杜门不出dù mén bù chū

not venture out of doors(/one’s house); shut oneself behind closed doors
❍ 公子虔~已八年矣,君又杀祝欢而黥公孙贾。(《史记·商君列传》2235) For eight years Lord Qian has not ventured out of doors. You killed Zhu Huan too and had Lord Jia tattooed.
❍ 留侯性多病,即道引不食榖,~岁余。(《史记·留侯世家》2044) As his health was poor,Zhang Liang practised breath control and ate no grain,not venturing out of his house for a year and more.
❍ 复请李牧,牧~,固称疾。赵王乃复疆起使将兵。(《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》2450) But when asked to go back,Li Mu shut himself behind closed doors,pleading illness,till the king ordered him to get up and take command.





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