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单词 prize
prize/praɪz/n [-s / ɪz/]; adj; vt [-s / ɪz/; -d, -d /d/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1)奖(品,金) (award given to sb who has the best results in a competition or as a reward for doing good work) [C]: win first~in the chess tournament/for one's singing/in the English contest 在象棋比赛中获一等奖/获唱歌一等奖/获学英语比赛一等奖;She entered two compititions and won~s. 她参加了两项比赛并且获了奖。(sb's book) gain several literary~s (某人的书)获了几项文学奖;carry off a~得奖;I was awarded a lot of~s at school. 我在学校里多次获奖。P~s will be given for the three best stories. 将向三本最好的小说颁奖。consolation~s (体育比赛的)安慰奖;Nobel P~winners 诺贝尔奖获得者; prize day, prize-giving day 学校每年一度的颁奖日;〖同〗award,reward; 2) (彩票或赌博等的)彩金 (thing (that can be) won in a lottery or a gambling game) [C]: win the 10,000 pounds~on the football pools 在足球赌博中赢了一万英镑;a~-winning lottery ticket 一张中奖的彩票;~money 奖金;

(2)值得竞争(努力争取)的东西 (sth of value that is worth struggling for) [C]: the~s of life 人生的目的;the greatest~of all — world peace 最最宝贵的东西——世界和平;As a secretary she was a~. 她这个秘书的职位人人都争着要。These tomatoes are the~of the crop. 这些是最好的西红柿。

→′prize-fight n 职业拳击比赛;′prize-fighter n 职业拳击手;

adj(1)获奖的 (that has won a prize) [无comp][作attrib]:~cattle 获奖的牛;a~rose/exhibit in the flower show 在花展上获奖的玫瑰花/展品;Her~recipe was printed in the newspaper. 她获奖的菜谱刊登在报纸上。〖同〗winning,award-winning;

(2)(含有讽刺或幽默的意味)了不起的,第一流的 (that is worthy of a prize often used ironically or humorously) [无comp][作attrib] (infml): a~fool/ass/idiot 一流的傻瓜/蠢驴/白痴;

vt 珍视 (value sth highly) [T+n]: The Chinese~jade. 中国人珍视玉石。He~d my friendship above anything else. 他珍视我的友谊,把它看得高于一切。~one's health/one's freedom above being wealthy/riches 把健康/自由看得比富有/财富更宝贵;She~d him for his good sense and understanding. 她敬重他,因为他有良好的意识和理解力。These fish are highly~d for their excellent flavour. 这些鱼因其风味极佳而备受推崇。sb's most~ed possessions 某人最值得珍视的财产;〖同〗value,treasure;






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