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单词 connect
释义 connect /ka'nekt; ka'nekt/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 14, 2A, 2C, 3A] ~ (up) (to/with), join: be joined (materially, by personal relationships, etc): 连接; 连结(在物质上,人事关系上等): ~ telephone subscribers; 为电话用户接线; ~ (up) the cells of a battery (to/with one another) 连接电池组的各个电池。 The two towns are ~ed by a railway. 这两市镇有纤路相连。 A railway ~s Oxford and Reading/ ~s Oxford to/with Reading. 牛津和瑞丁间有一铁路相连。 Where does the cooker ~ with the gas-pipe? 煤气域在何处与煤气管衔接? Mr Y has been ~ed with this firm since 1950. Y 先生从 1950 年起就一直在此公司做事。 He is ~ed with the Smiths/He and the Smiths are ~ed by marriage, ie his wife is a member of the Smith family. 他与史密斯家联姻(娶史家小姐为妻)。 The 9.00am train from London ~ with the 12.05pm train at Crewe, ie arrives at Crewe so as to enable passengers to continue their journeys by the 12.05 p m train. 上午九时自伦敦开出的列车在克鲁与下午十二时五分的列车相衔接 (长途弃可在此换车) 。 well ~ed, with relatives who are high in society, or who hold important positions, etc. 有优越的社会关系 (有亲属或亲戚在社会上居高位或要职) 。 2 [VP14] ~ (with), think of (different things- or persons) as being related to each other: 联想 (在思想中使不同的事物或人联系起来): to ~ Malaya with rubber and tin. 提到马来亚就联想刻橡胶和锡。




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