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单词 privilege
privilege/′prɪvəlɪdʒ/ n

(1)(某人或组织等的)特权 (special right or benefit enjoyed by a particular person group etc) [C]: abolition of the~s of the nobility 废除贵族的特权;diplomatic~s 外交特权;allow sb certain~s 允许某人享有某些特权;the~s of birth 与生俱来的特权;That was an old man's~. 那是对老年人的特惠。His seniority brings him many~s. 他的老资格使他享有很多特权。Big businesses enjoy certain~s that smaller ones do not. 大企业享有较小企业所不能享受的特权。〖同〗right,advantage;

(2)(有钱人或有权势的人的)特权 (benefit or advantage given to the rich or powerful people in a society) [U](derog): He should not get a place at university through~. 他不应该靠特权进入大学学习。fight against~in order to create a fairer society 为建立较为公平的社会而反对特权;live a life of luxury and~过着奢侈和享有特权的生活;

(3)特殊的荣幸,优惠待遇 (special favour or benefit; advantage that gives one great pleasure) [C]: It was a~to hear her sing/meet him/serve you. 听她唱歌/与他见面/为你服务是一件很荣幸的事。give/grant sb the~of using one's private library/fishing in a privately owned trout stream 特许某人使用自己的私人藏书/在私人拥有的产鳟鱼的河中钓鱼;Older members have many~s at the club. 年岁较大的会员在俱乐部内有很多优惠待遇。

(4)做或说某事而不受惩罚的权利(right to do or say sth without risking punishment) [C U]: parliamentary~议会特权;a breach of~对议会特权的侵害;

→′privileged adj 享有特权的,特许的;荣幸的;不受一般法律节制的;机密的





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