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单词 print
print/prɪnt/ n; v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

n (1)印(痕)迹 (mark etc made by pressure on a surface) [C](尤用于合成词): the~s of a bicycle tyre 自行车胎印;finger~s 指印(纹);foot~s 脚印;

(2)印出的字体等(letters words language etc in printed form) [U]: This is easy~to read. 这种字体易于阅读。The book has clear~. 这本书字迹很清晰。in small/large~用小/大号铅字印的;The~is large enough for him to read without glasses. 字体足够大,他不戴眼镜就能看清楚。Can you read the small~at the bottom of the page? 你能读出这页底下的小号字吗?

(3) 1)图片,版画 (design or picture transferred from an engraved plate wood block etc) [C]: a beautiful~一张漂亮的图片;old Japanese~s 古老的日本版画;a series of~s of Paris life 一系列的巴黎生活图片;2)照片 (photograph) [C]: simple black and white~s 简洁的黑白照片;colour~s 彩色照片;

(4)印花布(cloth printed with a pattern or design) [U C]: a flowery~一块花布;a~dress 一条印花裙子;

in print 1)(指书)出售中,已出版: Is that book still in~? 那本书还买得到吗?2)(指某人的作品)印(发表)出来: She finally saw her book in~. 她最后终于看到自己的小说出版了。

out of print (指书)不再印行,绝版: The book you speak of is out of~now, but you can find a second-hand copy. 你说的那本书现在已经绝版了,但你可以找到一本旧的。

v (1)印刷(字母,画,书,报纸等) (produce (letters newspapers books etc) on a printing press) [T+n T+n+prep(in/on)]: This machine can~80 pages in a minute. 这台机器每分钟能印80页。~posters/books/newspapers/advertisements 印海报/书/报纸/广告;The book is well~ed. 这本书印得很好。The headline on this page has been properly~ed. 这页的标题印得好。~the poems on a small hand press 用手摇小印刷机印诗;This interview was~ed in the national press. 这次采访的消息刊登在全国的报纸上。(events/incidents)~oneself on sb's memory (fig) (事件/轶事)印在某人的脑海之中;~ed circuit/matter/papers 印刷电路/品/品;

(2)用印刷体写(write (sth) without joining the letters to each other as in normal handwriting) [I T+n]: As long as you~clearly, you don't have to type. 只要你用印刷体写清楚就不用打字了。learn to~学习用印刷体书写;Please~your name and address on the dotted line. 请用印刷体在虚线处写出你的姓名和住址。~sth clearly in capital letters 用印刷体大写字母将……写清楚;

(3)在表面上留下(印迹等),印(图案等)于 (press (a stamp mark design pattern etc) onto a surface) [T+n T+n+prep(in/on)]:~letters in the sands 在沙地上写字母;The king~ed his seal in the wax. 国王在蜡上盖上他的印。~a flower design on a cotton fabric 在一块棉织物上印上花卉图案;~ed cotton/wallpaper 印花布/壁纸;

(4)洗印(照片) (produce (a photograph image) on paper) [T+n T+n+prep (off)]: How many copies shall we~(off) for you? 我们给你洗多少张照片?Who~ed your holiday photographs? 谁给你洗的假日照片?He develops and~s his own photographs. 他自己冲洗照片。

(5) 1)(指照片)洗出来 ((of a photograph) be produced on paper) [I]: The photograph has~ed very well. 这张相片洗得很好。2)(指胶卷或底片)洗出照片 ((of a film or a plate) produce a photograph) [I]: This film/plate won't~well. 这个胶卷/底片洗不出好的照片。

the printed word 书或报纸等上面印的内容: the power of the~ed word to influence people's attitude 印在书或报纸上的东西对人们态度的影响力;

print out (v adv) (打印机)打印出 (vt & vi):~out the program 打印出这个程序;

→′printable adj 可以出版(印刷)的;′printer n 印刷工人;打印机;′printing n 印刷(术);印数;′printing-ink n 印刷用油墨;′printing-press, ′printing-machine n 印刷机;′printout n (计算机等的)打印输出





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